The disease can invade the various organs of the wheat plant above ground, but it is mainly leaves and leaf sheaths. When the disease is heavy, the glume and awn can also be affected. At the onset of the disease, white moldy spots appeared on the leaves of 1 to 2 mm, and they gradually enlarged to form white molds of nearly circular to elliptic shape. There was a layer of white powder on the surface of the molds and they immediately scattered when subjected to external force or vibration. These powders are mycelia and conidia of the bacterium. The mildew layer of the late disease became pale to light brown, and there were small black spots on the lesions. The morphological characteristics of the closed capsular of the pathogens were as follows: Mycelium was epiphyseal and spread on the host surface in host epidermal cells. The sorber is formed to absorb host nutrients. At the end of the conidial stem vertical to the hyphae, 10 to 20 conidia are produced, oval, and the unit cells are colorless, and the size is 25 to 308 to 10 (um), and the infectivity lasts 3 to 4 days. The black spots produced by the diseased part, namely the closed capsule shell of pathogens, are black spherical, with a size of 163 to 219 um. There are 18 to 52 filamentous appendages that are underdeveloped, and 9 to 30 ascendants. The ascospores are oblong or ovate, with 8 ascospores and sometimes 4 ascospores. Ascospores are round to elliptical, single cells are colorless, mononuclear, size 18.8-23 11.3-13.8 (um). Ascospore shells are generally formed in the late growth stage of wheat, and mature and then crack under suitable conditions of temperature and humidity to emit ascospores. The bacteria cannot infect barley, and barley powdery mildew does not infect wheat. Wheat powdery mildew can form different physiological races under long-term interaction with the host in different geographical environments. The toxicity variation is very fast. Occurrence conditions: Wheat powdery mildew is a disease caused by fungi, usually the larger the closed shell, the wintering of mycelium on winter wheat seedlings. In recent years, due to the influence of variety, cultivation system, fertilizer and water, and climatic conditions, a large number of powdery mildew has occurred, leading to premature leaf blighting, reduced spike rate, and decreased grain weight, seriously affecting the quality and yield of wheat. Wheat powdery mildew is more sensitive to temperature and humidity. The cold temperature in Huanghuai wheat area before winter is low, and the disease is not easy to occur. In the early spring of the following year, when the temperature rose to 12 degrees, the diseased seedlings developed conidia and the initial infestation occurred. When the ambient temperature is suitable and the humidity is above 70%, it is very easy to cause disease epidemics. Hazardous symptoms: Wheat powdery mildew mainly damages the leaves, initially forms scattered white filamentous mildew on the foliage, and gradually enlarges the combined elliptic mycotic plaque. When severe, it can cover most or all of the leaf surface. The thickness of the mold layer is about 1 mm. It was white powder at the beginning and turned grey to brownish gray. The victim's leaf surface becomes yellowish and withered in the early stages, and the diseased plants are short and small, and those who are severely fail to make it into a panicle. The disease can invade the various organs of the wheat plant above ground, but it is mainly leaves and leaf sheaths. When the disease is heavy, the glume and awn can also be affected. At the onset of the disease, white moldy spots appeared on the leaves of 1 to 2 mm, and they gradually enlarged to form white molds of nearly circular to elliptic shape. There was a layer of white powder on the surface of the molds and they immediately scattered when subjected to external force or vibration. These powders are mycelia and conidia of the bacterium. The mildew layer of the late disease became pale to light brown, and small dark spots of small needles were scattered on the lesions, that is, the closed shell of pathogens. Control measures: Selection of disease-resistant varieties, appropriate sowing, reasonable close planting, and formula fertilization to prevent partial application of nitrogen fertilizers cause plants to grow long, and the group is well ventilated and well ventilated, and disease resistance is reduced. Timely irrigation, so that it does not stain or drought, plant growth and robust. Use a dry seed weight of 0.03% of 15% Trifenin wettable powder dressing. From booting to heading, 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold or 16% triadimefon can be sprayed by pesticides. Usually, the spray should be sprayed twice at intervals of 10 days, and the control effect is about 90%.
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