High-temperature and high-humidity pepper anthrax easily spread
Anthracnose is the main disease on chili peppers. It spreads rapidly under high temperature and high humidity conditions, and it lasts for a long time. It often causes great losses. The characteristics of its occurrence and integrated prevention and control technologies are described below. Guangdong Jia Mei Biological Technology Co.Ltd , https://www.jaymeimask.com
Pepper can be infected during the entire growing period, mainly damage leaves and fruits, mature fruits and old leaves vulnerable. Leaf blade victim, near-circular water-stained brown spot on the leaf margin, pale gray in the middle of the disease spot, with round black spots (medium conidia plate). The fruit stems suffer damage and produce brown irregular spots that are easy to crack when dry. After the fruit is damaged, it is easy to shrink, and the lesions are filmy and easily broken.
The development temperature of pepper anthracnose pathogen is 27°C and relative humidity is about 95%. When the rainy season comes early, when the temperature and humidity are suitable, the disease is easy to occur and popular. The bacteria invade from the wound and spreads the damage through wind and rain, pests, leafhoppers and other sucking insects. High planting density, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, poor drainage, poor ventilation and light transmission, will accelerate the disease epidemic. Summer high temperature and drought, severe sunburn, easy to increase the disease in the late stage. Heavy grassland or clear garden incomplete field of bacteria is abundant and the incidence is heavy. There is a large difference in disease resistance among varieties, and usually line peppers are more susceptible than sweet peppers.
For the control of hot pepper anthrax, comprehensive measures should be taken. (1) Seed disinfection. Use agricultural anti-120 4% pyrimidine nucleoside antibiotic agent 100 times liquid soaking for 12 hours, remove and dry until semi-dry sowing; can also be pre-soaked with cold water for 1 to 2 hours, and then immersed in warm water at 55°C for 10 minutes. Then put it in cold water to cool and germinate. (2) Two to three years of crop rotation with wheat, corn and other grass crops. (3) Strengthen cultivation management. According to species characteristics and fertilizer and water conditions, reasonable close planting; greenhouses timely ventilation and humidity, to avoid high temperature and humidity; timely drainage after rain, timely removal of diseased plants; increased application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, improve plant disease resistance. (4) Chemical control. In the early stage of disease, the agricultural antibiotic 120 4% pyrimidine nucleoside antibacterial agent 600 times solution, or 2% Wuyimycin agent 200 times solution, or the anthrax 80% Fufone zinc WP 800 times, or 75% 100% Bacteria WP 600 times liquid spray prevention, once every 10 to 15 days, continuous control of 3 to 4 times.