Dairy cows have seven bogey
A bogey with the age of prematurely under normal circumstances in normal circumstances, the cow grows to 18 months of age, weighing more than 350 kg before the first match. However, at present, many cattle farmers are eager to produce milk from dairy cows. They often start breeding at around 12 months of age, which hinders the development of the bovine body. The result is that the speed is not satisfactory. Ad Cabbage Used In Instant Noodle,Dehydrated Cabbage New Crop,New Crop Dried Cabbage White,Air-Dried Cabbage White Xinghua Jiahe Foods Co., Ltd. , https://www.jiahefoods.com
Second bogey predatory milking main performance: dairy cows lactation period is too long, low-yield cattle milking times too many times. Under normal circumstances, the lactation period of dairy cows is 305 days, and the middle and high-producing dairy cows are milked 3 times a day. Some cattle farmers have shortened the dry period due to a delay in the breeding period or due to the high yield of dairy cows, making the lactation period too long; still insisting on squeezing three times a day for low-yielding dairy cows, resulting in excessive consumption of dairy cows' constitution and affecting the birth of the next baby. And lactation.
The three bogey feeds are monotonous and do not care less than 2 kinds of roughage for the green feed cows, and the concentrate feeds shall not be less than 3 kinds. At present, many cattle feedstuffs are mainly corn stalks, and concentrate feeds are mainly corn and cakes, and they have insufficient knowledge of silage.
4. Avoiding attention to feeding and management of lactating dairy cows includes feeding and management of calves, bred cattle, and dairy cows (dry cows and lactating cows). Now many cattle farmers only pay attention to the feeding and management of dairy cows, resulting in a decline in milk production during the next lactation period.
Five bogey ignore the cow's movements and adjustments Some cattle-raising households have long-term support for dairy cows, and do not grazing nor set up sports grounds. Do not brush and tune the cows and ignore the breast massage for lactating cows.
Six taboos against abuse, abuse of drugs Some cattle farmers do not pay attention to disease prevention, lack of environmental disinfection and awareness of epidemic prevention, once the incidence of dairy cows on the use of drugs, leaving production hidden.
Seven bogey cows postpartum breeding delays Under normal circumstances, dairy cows start estrus 13 to 15 days postpartum, the estrus is estrus, and then there is a second occurrence of estrus in 21 days, that is, 30 to 35 days after childbirth. In response to this situation, try to change the habit of mating in the past two months.