Putting snails in crab ponds can be both “clean water†and “increasing efficiencyâ€
Snails are widely distributed in rivers and lakes in Shuyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, and fishing is relatively easy. It is not only easy to breed but also easy to breed. It mainly eats plankton and spoilage organic matter. It can effectively reduce the plankton content in the pond and play a role in purifying water quality, which is conducive to the growth of crabs. First, put the quality requirements of snails. The individual is larger and the shell surface is intact. When the shell is frightened, the snail body can quickly retract from the shell. At the same time, the cap can strongly cover the screw hole. Second, delivery time. In the pond, live snails are usually released during the cold months of January-February, and from May to July, snails begin to multiply, and the snails are attached to aquatic grasses. They are the most suitable bait for crabs and are suitable for the needs of crabs and their nutrients are rich and tender. Delicious, high utilization rate. Third, pay attention to matters, when snail snails need to be disinfected, can use strong chlorinated, dibromohydantoin kill snail body bacteria and protozoa. Crabs in ponds are generally released twice. The first time, between 1-2 months, 100-200 kilograms of mu are put in. In June, 200 kilograms of mu are better. The price of snail is not high, and its source is wide. The snail feeding in the crab pond obviously reduces the production cost, increases the output, purifies the water quality, improves the quality and improves the economic efficiency.
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