Baby loves to drink delicious ribs soup
This is one of the months and months of love to drink soup, my family is the month commander of the soup, the soup is love to drink! The monthly two-year-old physical examination, height 95 cm, weight 15 kg. All blood tests and urine are normal, and no trace elements are missing. Some people often ask me, what month is what to eat calcium, how to grow so high? I said that from month 18 months after the month began to eat mainly, no longer take calcium and calcium powder and other auxiliary drugs . Ribs (soup bones also contain a large amount of calcium, is the body to add calcium to share). The iodine contained in seaweed is very rich in iodine, which is an essential substance that constitutes human thyroid hormone and is an important element in maintaining human intelligence development. The ribs and seaweed share food and can provide the body with abundant nutrients. The practice is as follows: a small pound of pork, kelp 100, scallion, ginger, salt, rice wine, sesame oil and the appropriate amount. Production Method: First, soak the seaweed for 20 minutes, remove it and then wash it with water, and cut it into squares. 2. Wash the ribs, cut them with a knife and cut them into pieces. Dip into the boiling water pot and remove them. Third, the pressure cooker (recently love to use pressure cooker soup), add appropriate amount of water, add ribs, scallion, ginger, rice wine, stir to boil, skim floating foam, and then open the middle of the fire to burn about 15 minutes, down Into the kelp block, and then stir boiling for 5 minutes, add chicken, salt and other spices, Drizzle sesame oil Serve. Dried Shiitake,Dehydrated Shiitake Mushrooms,Dried Shiitake Mushrooms Coles,Donko Shiitake SHANDONG JOIN & SHARE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD ,