How to identify fruit waxing
Teach you to avoid beauty fruit Nowadays, many businesses are eager to smoke and ripen the fruits with hormones that have not yet been cooked, wax fruits and so on. Originally fruits have many health effects, but these behaviors make fruits become poisons. Xiao Bian today took everyone to learn how nutrition experts pick fruits and teach you to avoid "beauty fruits." Nowadays, there are many means for fruit beauty. For example, in order to make apples, peaches, etc. become more beautiful, some vendors use a erythropoietin; and strawberries use a ripening agent, the growth period becomes shorter, and the color is fresh and pleasant; The blue-green tomatoes are removed, and the erythropoietin is painted again. The paraffin wax and the alum are added to make the moldy fruits “return to the lightâ€... In accordance with the relevant national regulations, primary agricultural products are strictly prohibited from being colored. For proper picking of fruit, proper cleaning and waxing can be done. However, waxing must use professional fruit waxes, and industrial waxes that are harmful to human health cannot be used. “Fruit ripening with ripeners, hormones, and other chemicals will affect the quality of the fruit first. The taste and color will be worse and the sweetness will be lower. Secondly, its nutritional value will also be reduced. In the ripening process, sugar production is reduced, vitamin synthesis is decreased, etc.." Experts pointed out that "the ethephon is a relatively safe ripening agent, because the fruit naturally produces ethylene when it matures. The use of plant hormones is also different. Animal hormones are less observable but not overdosed." Experts also said that consumption of non-food colorings and preservatives will cause harm to human health. Artificially coloring fruit is very undesirable. Nutrition experts teach you four strokes to pick fruit Hope: size, shape, color Good fruit is generally medium in size. Too small may be stunted, and it is more acidic; if it is too large, it may be overgrown, and there may be places where it should not be long. Picking the fruits closest to the outline of the plant taxonomy is certainly correct. Good fruit must be uniform in color. There are two very different colors (such as dark red and dark green) appearing on the fruit. This kind of fruit does not taste sour or astringent, but it may be too sweet. If there are dark spots and brown spots on the fruit, it is better to give up. Smell: aroma Mature fruits emit a unique scent that can be heard on the bottom of the fruit. The stronger the aroma, the sweeter the fruit. Q: Growth period To collect data on several kinds of fruits that they often eat, to understand their growth period, growth conditions, and environment, etc., and to improve the discrimination ability when selecting fruits. Cut: touch, pressure, water test Mainly for some of the need to peel the fruit, such as citrus and watermelon to be carefully touched by hand. An overly rough surface represents thick skin, because roughness is caused by hyperplasia of the skin, but being too smooth indicates that the fruit may not have matured yet. When selecting, you can lightly press the fruit. On the one hand, you can judge the thickness of the skin. On the one hand, you can judge the degree of maturity. The principle of buoyancy can also be used to identify the freshness of fruit. With the degradation of pectin and fruit acids during fruit ripening, the cell gap will become larger, the volume of the fruit will also become larger, and the cavity will be filled with gas, so the density will decrease. Put in water, immature fruit will sink, and cooked will float. Preservation method: If you have bought ripe fruit, you should enjoy it freshly. It is recommended that you eat it within 1 week. The longer the fruit is stored, the less nutrition and flavor. If you do not eat for the time being, you can use the following methods to save: Immature fruit: stored at room temperature Some fruits, such as papayas, bananas, pineapples, etc., in order to facilitate the transport and storage, fruit farmers often early harvest when the fruit is cooked at 80, when the fruit will be a bit sour. Simply wrap the immature fruits in newspapers, store them in the shade of the room, and serve them for a day or two. Mature fruit: Refrigerator In order to slow down the dispersion of fruit water, newspapers can be used to wrap it in the refrigerator and keep it fresh in the refrigerator. Smart Factory Smart Factory Automated Precision Inc. ,