Winter Pest Control
Corn borer burns firewood in winter because its larvae or pupae are wintering in corn stover. Unburned can be used to crush, fill in biogas digesters, livestock feed, and manure. These methods can kill more than 98% of the corn borers that live in it. In addition, it is best not to pile over the winter. The bollworm is wintering on the winter farmland due to its pods wintering between 10 and 15 centimeters above the surface of the farmland, destroying its diverticulum, preventing its emergence or hatching, and eliminating most of the bollworms. The pests of pink bollworms are mostly wintered in cottonseed cotton. After the seed cotton is in storage, the insect climbs out of the warehouse. Squeezing flowers before entering the storehouse allows the larvae to crawl out of the drying area and eliminate them. Cotton spider mites These pests often overwinter in adult leaves clustered in dead leaves at the sunny side, weeds in the rhizosphere and clods, and bark gaps. The weeds in the fields can be removed, and the dead leaves and manure can be removed. Insects such as wheat aphid are mostly concentrated in the winter wheat roots. Winter irrigation can increase the mortality rate of wheat aphids, and it is also beneficial for winter wheat. Ice Hair Removal,Ice Laser Hair Removal,Ice Therapy Hair Removal,Ice Cold Ipl Hair Removal Shenzhen Jie Zhong Lian Investment Co., Ltd. ,