Common pests and diseases in potato (potato) cultivation

Potatoes (potatos) are common pests and diseases. In general, viral diseases can spread through seed potatoes, which is the main cause of potato variety degradation. There are two main types of virus damage: one is the wrinkle leaf, which is caused by the mixed infection of potato X virus and Y virus. The second is the leaf rolling, which is caused by the potato leaf rolling virus. The lower leaves of the diseased plant are curled upwards, and the diseased leaves are thick and brittle, turn yellow, and the plants are dwarfed. Potato X virus spreads through sap, and Y virus can spread through mites and sap, and leaf-rolling virus spreads through mites. When the temperature is high, the viral disease is heavier.

Control method: select resistant varieties and carry out detoxification treatment. Use virus-free seed potatoes. When working in the field, pay attention to minimizing human transmission, spraying and controlling aphids in time, and spraying with 40% dimethoate emulsion 800-1000 times.

Late blight, also known as potato mites, is the main disease in production. The bacteria can infect leaves, stems and potato tubers. Most of the leaves begin to develop from the tip or leaf margin. The lesions are dark brown, water-stained, and the edges are not obvious. When wet, a circle of white mold is born on the edge of the leaf spot on the back of the leaf. In severe cases, the plant is black and has a special rancid smell. The base is damaged to form brown streaks. The potato chips are sick, the lesions are irregular, purple-brown, slightly sunken, the tissue becomes hard and dry, and it becomes soft and rot when wet, giving off a foul smell. The pathogen can be spread by wind and rain, and it is easy to develop when the temperature is 20-23 °C and the humidity is high. Control methods: use disease-resistant varieties and disease-free seed potatoes, seed potato disinfection before planting, pharmacy (formalin), warm soup disinfection. Remove the central diseased plants in time and carry out cultivating and weeding. Before the onset of the local disease, spray 1:1:120-150 Bordeaux mixture prevention. Or use 80% Daisen zinc 600-800 times liquid, 75% chlorothalonil 600-800 times liquid control.

The ring rot generally begins to show symptoms before and after the flowering stage. The diseased plant branches and stems are shortened, the leaves are yellow and wilting, and the veins turn yellow, producing dark brown plaques, and the leaf edges are slightly curled upward. There is no obvious symptom outside the diseased potato block. The diseased potato part becomes dark brown, and the ring is hollow. Sometimes it is accompanied by soft rot, so that it all rots. The germs are mainly transmitted through diseased potatoes. Control method: select disease-free seed potatoes, completely remove the diseased potatoes before seeding and cutting potatoes, and pay attention to the disinfection of the knife when cutting. When the diseased plants are found, they are eliminated in time. Pay attention to the prevention and control of underground pests, carry out crop rotation, and select resistant varieties.

The scab is a nematode that only invades the potato. In the early stage of the disease, brown round or irregular small spots are produced on the potato pieces, and the surface is rough, showing a scab-like hard spot, which is generally only found in the skin of the potato block. When the temperature is high, the incidence is heavier. The prevention and treatment method is the same as the ring rot.

Insect pests mainly include potato ladybugs, potato tuber moths, and aphids. The ladybugs are mainly adult and larvae that eat the leaves into perforated or leave only veins. When the damage is severe, the leaves are dry and the whole plant is dead. The spraying prevention should be carried out in the early stage of adult migration and larval hatching. It can be controlled by 50% trichlorfon 800 times, 50% dichlorvos emulsion 1000 times, 2.5% times liquid.

This article URL: Potato (potato) planting common pests and diseases

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