Selection of experimental animals commonly used in medical and pharmaceutical research

First, the choice in pharmacological research
1. Clinical drug metabolism zoology research:
The preferred animal and gender should be as consistent as possible with the efficacy or the animal used in the toxicology study.
Determination of pharmacokinetic parameters: It is best to use large animals such as dogs and monkeys, which can be sampled multiple times on the same animal.
Drug distribution experiments: large, mouse is more convenient.
Drug excretion test: Rats are generally preferred. Bile collection can be anesthetized with ether and cannulated by bile duct.
2 , general pharmacological research
Studies of a wide range of pharmacological effects beyond the main pharmacodynamic effects.
Animals: The sex of mice, rats, cats, dogs, etc. is not limited.
3. Drug research on the nervous system:
Nootropics: Adult large mice generally use juvenile and old mice.
Sedative hypnotics: Adult mice are easy to group.
Anti-pain medicine: adult large mice, suitable for males.
Analgesic: It needs to be carried out on whole animals. Adult mice and rabbits are commonly used. Guinea pigs, dogs, etc. can also be used, both male and female.
Central muscle relaxants: mice, cats.
Antipyretic: Rabbit is preferred. Rabbits: Variety, age, room temperature, animal activity, etc., have a significant impact on the rate and extent of fever reaction, and should be carried out in accordance with the Pharmacopoeia.
Ganglion block affects drugs: the preferred cat, the most commonly used is the cervical ganglion, because the front and back are easy to distinguish.
4. Drug research in the cardiovascular system:
Anti-ischemic drugs: dogs, cats, rabbits, large mice.
Antiarrhythmic drugs: guinea pigs. The mouse is inconvenient to operate.
Antihypertensive drugs: dogs, cats, and rats. It is not advisable to use rabbits: the peripheral circulation is extremely sensitive to external environmental stimuli and the blood pressure changes greatly.
Treatment of cardiac dysfunction drugs: dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits. Rats are generally not used.
Blood pressure lowering drugs: rats, rabbits. Model animals: hereditary hyperlipidemia WHHL rabbits.
Anti-atherosclerotic drugs: rabbits and sputum are generally used.
Anti-platelet aggregation drugs, anticoagulants: rats, rabbits, and individual mice can also be used.
5 , respiratory drugs:
Screening of antitussives: Preferred guinea pigs are sensitive to chemical or mechanical stimuli. Cat: Cough under physiological conditions, can be used to stimulate the laryngeal nerve to induce cough, and further confirm the antitussive effect of the drug on the basis of the initial screening.
Canine: Suitable for observing the duration of antitussive effect of the drug.
Rabbit: Not sensitive to chemical and electrical stimulation. Large mice: Poor experimental reliability.
Bronchodilators: Commonly used guinea pigs: Airway smooth muscles are sensitive to barium-inducing drugs. Rats: Certain immunological and pharmacological characteristics are closer to humans.
Peony: Generally used male mice, rabbits, cats.
6 , digestive system drugs:
Gastrointestinal antispasmodic drugs: rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, etc., male or female.
Inducing vomiting and stopping vomiting: dogs, cats, pigeons, etc. Rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats have no vomiting and reflex, so they are not used.
7 , urinary system drugs:
Diuretic, antidiuretic: male rats or dogs are good.
8 , endocrine system drugs:
Adrenal corticosteroids: large mice, both male and female.
9 , planning drugs:
Termination of mid-term pregnancy drugs, uterine contractions: female rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats.
Female contraceptives: female rats, hamsters, rabbits, macaques.
Male contraceptives: male inbred rats, macaques.
10 , psychotropic drugs: anti-anxiety drugs: adult mice, rabbits.
Antidepressants: large mice, followed by dogs and pigs.
Second, drug safety evaluation test
(1) Acute toxicity
Most are half-lethal lethal dose (LD50) experiments. There are also many countries that no longer require LD50 for some drugs. It can save a lot of animals and medicines.
Tolerance dose experiments are performed if the toxicity of the drug is small.
Commonly used rats and mice, most commonly used as closed group animals
(2) Long-term toxicity test
The continuous administration of the test drug was observed.
More than two animals are required to correctly predict the clinical toxicity of the test drug.
Commonly used: one is rodent rat, the other is dog, monkey, miniature pig.
Rat: closed large animal: Beagle dog
(3) Reproductive toxicity test: 3 independent tests
1. General reproductive toxicity test
2. Teratogenic sensitive period toxicity test
3. Perinatal toxicity test
Different species of animals use at least two or more animals for different drug sensitivities.
Rodents: mice, rats, hamsters
Non-rodent: rabbit, dog, primate.
(4) Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity test
Long-term carcinogenicity: 1. High requirements for animals. Commonly used: F344 rat, A line mouse, gene knockout mouse.
2. High environmental requirements;
3. Eliminate all other carcinogenic factors;
(5) Drug dependence test
The observation period is generally longer and there are more projects. Both large, mouse and monkey are used.
(6) Other toxicity tests
One of the drug toxicity tests and principles, the route of administration must be consistent with the clinical route of administration to be used.
External drug toxicity: dermal administration. Rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats are generally used (both acute and long-term).
Stimulating allergy test for external use, guinea pig (allergy), (rat skin is not suitable); rabbit, (stimulation)
Suppositories: young rabbits, rats
Nasal drops, inhalants: Rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits were examined according to clinical routes of administration. Ophthalmology is suitable for rabbits.
Biological products, bioengineered products: have stricter species specificity.
Third, cardiovascular disease
1 , atherosclerosis:
Birds and rabbits: early choice, spontaneous atherosclerosis
Rabbit: Extremely high blood lipids induced by feed can cause atherosclerotic lesions.
Available animals: large mice, pigeons, pigs, dogs, turkeys, non-human primates.
Rhesus monkeys: A wide range of aortic atherosclerosis can occur.
Miniature pigs: spontaneous atherosclerosis. High fat diet induces accelerated atherosclerosis.
2 , high blood pressure:
Common dogs and rats
Dogs: Similar to human hypertension.
For neuropsychiatric hypertension, dogs are most suitable.
Rats: feeding, breeding, surgery, blood pressure measurement is more convenient, the drug reflects similar to humans.
Rabbit: Blood pressure is not stable enough, generally not used.
SHR rats: hypertension, pathology, physiology, pharmacology research. There are many similarities with human spontaneous hypertension.
Experimental induction: stimulating the central nervous system to reflect, or injection of pressurized substances and partial surgery ligation of the renal artery, induced renal hypertension.
3 , myocardial ischemia
Coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction: dogs, pigs, cats, rabbits, rats. Coronary artery occlusion can be performed.
Canine: A model animal with good myocardial ischemia.
Pig: Heart collateral circulation and conduction system blood supply is similar to human heart.
Rabbit: Open thoracic coronary artery ligation does not require artificial respiration.
Rat: Test myocardial hypoxia tolerance test
4 , arrhythmia
Commonly used rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, monkeys, pigs, etc.
Large mice: There is no S-T segment in the electrocardiogram, and some T-waves are not seen in the lead.
Guinea pig: vascular response is sensitive, hemorrhagic is significant, suitable for observing changes in bleeding and vascular permeability.
Cell culture: embryos, newborn or adult myocardium in dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, large mice, chickens, etc.

Fourth, digestion and respiratory diseases
Choosing whether the animal is correct or not is directly related to the accuracy of the results.
Rabbits, sheep, guinea pigs: herbivores, unlike human digestive systems, cannot be chosen.
Canine: The digestive system is developed, similar to human digestion, and suitable for chronic experiments.
Pig: Respiratory, urinary, and blood system are similar to newborns, suitable for malnutrition, lack of iron and copper.
Rat: no gallbladder, suitable for collecting bile test (Ma Tong), and liver resection.
Pancreatitis: Chyogenic choline deficiency can be caused by juvenile female mice to induce hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
Rabbit: Thyroid function study.
Canine: The parathyroid gland is fixed and located on the surface of the thyroid gland. Parathyroidectomy, while retaining thyroid function.
Vomiting test: commonly used cats, dogs, ferrets, pigeons, monkeys, etc.
Herbivorous animals are less prone to vomiting reflexes.
Vitamin C study: guinea pigs.
Slow branch: The monkey is most suitable, the number of tracheal glands is more, and it still exists in the third grade bronchus.
Guinea pig: suitable for tuberculosis and diphtheria research, sensitive to tuberculosis and diphtheria.
Rat: pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis, silicosis.
Duck: Human hepatitis B model for drug screening and pharmacodynamic studies.

Fifth, the nervous system:
It is chosen according to the unique characteristics of the animal's nervous system.
Gerbil: a branch defect after the basilar artery ring.
DBA/2N: 35 days old, 100% incidence of auditory epilepsy
C57BL/KalWN: Congenital hydrocephalus.
Morphine: Plateau mice, rabbits are not sensitive, can be used for neurological research
Mouse, cat: central excitement
Dog, rabbit, monkey, rat, human: central inhibition
Rabbit: The effect of decompression nerve on the heart and the like.
Dogs and cats: The nervous system is developed.

6. Urinary and endocrine diseases:
Diabetes: Rats, rabbits, dogs, etc., artificially removed pancreas replication.
Older A-line mice: multiple kidney disease can be related to disease research
SWR mice: 6-10 months of age-related diabetes can be related to disease research

Seven, radiology experimental research:
Large mice, gerbils, dogs, pigs, monkeys, etc. are commonly used. Different animals have different sensitivity to radiation

Eight, microorganisms:
There are many types of animals such as mice, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, and cats.
A-line mice: very sensitive to measles virus.
Rabbit: Very sensitive to many viruses and pathogens (rabies, smallpox, encephalitis, etc.).
Nude mice: susceptible to bacteria, viruses, parasites. Infection immune mechanism research.

Nine, geriatric diseases:
It is mainly mammals, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, pigs, monkeys, etc.
Rats are the most widely used and widely used. Based on cell biochemistry, digester, hormones, enzymes, etc.
Selection criteria: 1. The life span is clear and the change should be small
2. Infectious diseases that are resistant to infectious diseases, especially those with high mortality and high incidence.
3. Anatomical and physiological similarities with humans, especially disease similarities.
4. Recipes and nutrition are similar to humans.
5. Chromatin, histogram, stem cells, and immune system data are clear.
6. The source is easy, easy to manage, and low in maintenance costs.
7. The information obtained can be inferred to humans.

X. Behavioral
Behavioral Genetics: Mice are widely used.
Hybrid F1 animals: Behavioral differences are between parental behaviors and sometimes manifest as hybridization advantages.
The same type, different varieties, strains have different responses to the same treatment.
Rat: Commonly used in labyrinth learning, functional relationships between body and mental characteristics, and maternal behavior.
Dogs: Widely used, easy to operate, manage, highly evolved, highly gregarious animals. Rich behavior.
Non-human primates: Abnormal behavior studies have more advantages than other animals and are closer to humans.

XI. Genetics
Mainly in the field of hereditary diseases. Various animals have hereditary diseases, and some can be used as models of human genetic diseases.

12. Environmental pollution research:
Rodents: large mice, guinea pigs, widely used in air pollution assessment.
Heavy metal pollution: rats, dogs, cats, etc. Some wild animals and fish are also good models.
Pesticide contamination: mice, rats, guinea pigs, dogs and certain birds.
Microbial environment: various animals, livestock, rodents, primates, fish, insects, birds, etc.

Thirteen, nutrition
Note: Each animal has its own unique characteristics in terms of nutritional needs and metabolism.
Nutrition and metabolic characteristics and infection, immune response commonly used animals: rats, guinea pigs, dogs, pigs, non-human primates.
Sterile animals and animals: have a unique role in the study of nutritional metabolism.

XIV, cancer research:
Experimental oncology: etiology, pathogenesis, screening of anticancer drugs and prevention methods.
New anticancer drugs developed: large mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, pigs, rabbits, birds, fish, primates.
Mice: different types of closed populations, inbred lines, mutant lines, genetically engineered mice, and the like.
Tumor model: spontaneous, induced, transplantable, and human tumor xenograft animal models.

Fifteen, Chinese medicine research
TCM syndrome animal models: yang deficiency, yin deficiency, spleen deficiency, pulse micro-existence, blood deficiency, blood stasis, liver depression, cold syndrome, heat syndrome, warm disease, Lishi, etc.
Modeling method ideas: Select some pathogenic factors that cause similar clinical syndromes, and apply to the animal body to produce models similar to clinical evidence.
Animals: commonly used large, mice, golden hamsters, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc.

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