American company develops new HemoLink blood glucose detector without needle

Release date: 2015-04-28

Tasso in the United States believes that it can find an alternative that completely avoids the use of needles during routine blood testing. The company has developed a table tennis-sized blood sampling device called HemoLink. The patient can operate the device at home: just use it on the skin of the arm or lower abdomen. After two minutes, HemoLink can automate blood sampling.

The founder of Tasso studied microfluidics while studying at the University of Wisconsin, and the results of his research have made HemoLink today. Currently, the company has received $3 million in investment from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

HemoLink is a low-cost disposable device made up of six injection molded plastic parts. The inside of the device is vacuumed, so that a small amount of blood can be transferred from the human body to the small reagent bottle in the device through capillary phenomenon (meaning that the liquid is inside the thin tubular object, which eventually rises over the gravitational force due to the difference in cohesion and adhesion). in.

Ben Casavant, one of the co-founders and co-founders of Tasso, said: "The surface tension of the blood exceeds the gravity during the work of the device, so no matter how the user places the device, the blood will pass through. Capillaries flow into the device."

HemoLink is capable of collecting approximately 1.5 cc of blood, which is sufficient for routine testing needs. After collecting the blood sample, the user only needs to send it to the laboratory for analysis. Tasso said that their target customers are those who need to monitor blood sugar regularly. “For those patients who need to collect blood regularly to monitor cancer or chronic infectious diseases, our products are perfect for them.”


Tasso will use DARPA funds to further improve blood storage technology. DARPA hopes that Tasso will develop a technology that maintains blood stability, ensuring that blood samples can be stored for a week at 60 degrees Celsius. As a result, the expensive blood cold chain transportation link will no longer exist.

The company plans to apply to the FDA by the end of this year and bring HemoLink equipment to market during the year. If they are ultimately successful, they will bring two major benefits: on the one hand, patients who hate needles no longer have to suffer from needle sticking; on the other hand, this technology can reduce the cost of the health care industry, and its ease of use is also exempt from people. Continue to go to the doctor to ask questions.

Source: Singularity Network

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