1 cultivation season. The most suitable temperature for the black fungus fruit body is 20-26°C. Temperature is less than 15 °C ear difficult, the temperature is higher than 27 °C ear piece is thin, the color is also light; the temperature is high, the fruit body autolysis occurs, resulting in failure. Therefore, black fungus should be planted in the spring and autumn. In spring, bacteria bags are cultivated from the end of March to the end of April, and from early May to the beginning of June, they are long ears. The bacterium bags are cultivated in autumn in August and long ears in September. Ground fungus black fungus first culture bag, need about 40; ears (fruiting body growth period) takes about 50 days. Therefore, when planting fungus all over the place, it is necessary to fully consider two major factors: the optimum temperature for the cultivation of the fungus bag and the optimum temperature for the long ear period. To stagger the days of the dog days, escape the high temperature period, and prevent the high temperature and humidity from reducing and eliminating the income. 2 Preparation of culture materials. Bags of black fungus are widely sourced from various sources and can be selected locally. At present, the commonly used formula for cultivating materials: First, sawdust culture materials: 78% of broad-leaved wood chips, 20% of wheat bran, 1% of gypsum powder, and 1% of sucrose. The second is composite culture materials: corn cob 40%, wood chips 30%, straw 20%, wheat bran 8%, sugar, gypsum 1%. The third is the corncob culture material: 79% of the crushed corn cob, 20% of rice bran, and 1% of gypsum powder. The following key technologies should be taken into account when formulating culture materials: First, avoid contamination with bacteria. In advance, we must carefully select materials, confirm that the raw materials have no mildew, and then expose them to 3-5 days in the hot sun to kill the raw materials. The spices should be selected for sunny days, and the liveliness of the cloudy and rainy days should be enhanced and susceptible to infection. After the ingredients are mixed, bagging must be carried out, especially when the temperature is high. If delays occur, the culture material will ferment and become sour. The second is about 60% of the moisture content of the culture material. Excessively high water content is not conducive to the growth of black fungus. The culture material is firmly held in the hands, and water between the fingers is oozing out without dripping. After stretching, the material is crushed in the hands and is the proper moisture content. 3 bagging and sterilization. At present, there are many ways to cultivate black fungus with substitute materials, such as bottled cultivation, cultivar cultivation, and plastic bag cultivation. Among them, the high yield of plastic bags is the main method adopted by ear farmers. Plastic bags are mainly polyethylene and polypropylene. Polyethylene bags are soft, but are not resistant to high temperatures and are only used for atmospheric sterilization; polypropylene bags have poor flexibility but are resistant to high temperatures and can be used for autoclaving. Polypropylene bag thickness 0.04-0.05 mm, polyethylene bag thickness 0.06-O. 065 mm is better. The size of the plastic bag is 18 cm 30 cm. When loading, be sure to relax. Taisong fungus bag is easily deformed and has poor water retention; too tight air permeability is poor, and hyphae extension is difficult. After bagging, take care. The ground is covered with plastic cloth first, and the material bag is lightly placed on the plastic cloth so as to prevent sand grains and horns from puncturing the material bag and introducing the bacteria. Bagging should be sterilized in time. Bag sterilization is an important part of the whole process of black fungus production. At present, normal pressure steam sterilization is used, but high pressure steam sterilization is also used. After the bag is loaded into the atmospheric pressure sterilizer, it is vigorously burned and it lasts 10 hours until it is sterilized. During the entire 10-hour sterilization process, the pot temperature must reach 100°C. Before sterilization, add enough water to the pot and the pot must be tightly closed. When the amount of water in the pot during the sterilization process is insufficient, it is necessary to add enough time to prevent burning of the pan; leakage under the pot lid, uneven combustion of the bottom fire can produce sterilization dead angle. Always exclude it. 4 Inoculation. After sterilizing the bag, when the feed temperature drops below 30°C, it is moved to the inoculation room or inoculation box to start inoculation. Before inoculation, the operator used his hands to wash the water from the Suer, and then he reached the box from the cuff of the inoculation box, and wiped the wall with an alcohol swab. The inoculation tool must be repeatedly placed on the alcohol lamp to achieve sterility. If inoculated in the inoculation room, the inoculation room should be strictly sterilized and sterilized. Each cubic metre of space should be sterilized with 5 grams of potassium permanganate and 10 ml of formaldehyde for 2 hours. There are many kinds of inoculation tools. Stainless steel and bamboo long handled two spoons are generally used. Each bottle of secondary species can receive 17-20 bags. 5 training room bacteria management. After the bacteria bag, called bacteria bags. At this time, the bacteria bag should be moved into the culture room for germination. Training rooms can be empty rooms or plastic greenhouses. Thorough disinfection of the entire room. The bacteria bags are laid horizontally and layered, and they can also be placed in a "well" shape. Inoculated in the lower climate, the bacteria bags can be stacked and covered with straw curtains to increase the temperature and accelerate the colonization of mycelium. After the hyphae are colonized, the bacteria bags are placed separately. The thermometers shall be hung on the four walls of the cultivating room, and the appropriate temperature during each phase of the bacteria-producing period shall be adjusted by opening and closing the doors, windows, and vents. Within 15 days after inoculation, it was the hyphae germination stage. At this time, the first 3 days of indoor temperature is appropriate at 27°C, so that the mycelia can absorb nutrients, colonize the epidermis at a suitable temperature, accelerate the occupation of the material and the mycelium develops. However, room temperature cannot exceed 28°C. Generally within 10 days of bacterial growth, the mycelium in the bag grows vigorously. At this time, the room temperature should drop to 25°C (because the bag temperature is 2-3°C higher than room temperature). After half a month of germination, it was the period when the hyphae decomposed and absorbed the strongest nutrients. The hyphae were white, thick, robust, and the metabolism was accelerated. The temperature in the bag continued to rise and the room temperature should be reduced to 24°C. After germination for 30 days, the mycelium was transferred from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, and hyphae entered the physiological maturity stage. At this time, the room temperature is controlled at about 19°C. Black fungus is aerobic fungus. Fresh air is a prerequisite for the entire growth and development process. With fresh air, the normal metabolism of mycelium can be maintained. Therefore, every day must be ventilated 1-2 times, each time 30 minutes, in order to ensure the supply of oxygen to the mycelium. Hyphae culture requires a dark environment. Ear farmers called "strong". The black fungus mycelium is prone to ear buds when exposed to light, which is a phenomenon of "premature birth" before the physiological maturity of the mycelia, which will seriously affect the future yield. Therefore, the room doors and windows are required to be shaded by black cloth. But keep it ventilated. When the mycelium is full of bags, exposure can be performed to promote the formation of ear buds. During bacterial culture, bacteria should be checked frequently. The normal bacterial mass is pure white. If yellow, green and black color patches are found, they are mixed bacteria. If red streptomyces is found, it must be burned or buried. 6 exposed bag management. At present, open-ear bags of black fungus are commonly used in plastic sheds or small plastic sheds. Small arch sheds have less capital investment and management, and ear farmers are willing to adopt it. Before the small sheds were not arched, the bacteria bag soil bed was built. The general bed is 10 meters long, 1 meter wide and 0.3 meters high. The bed is bent over a small arch with bamboo or vineless branches. The distance between the roof and the bag is about 30 centimeters, which is similar to the cultivation of small rice sheds in rural areas. There should be a walkway between the beds to facilitate the operation. Small straw sheds are covered with straw curtains. Before using the shed, the burrows were punctured with sterile shave blades to form a "V" shape. Draw 8-10 holes evenly on the side of the bag. Due to the thin and sharp shave blades, it is neatly cut, and because of the pulling force of the surface of the plastic bag, it can be scratched and slightly opened. When the water is sprayed, it has a protective effect on the ear root, which helps to increase the ear rate. After sterilizing the bag, the bag is evenly erected on the bed with a 10 cm bag pitch. There are 22-24 pockets per square meter of bed and 135,000-150,000 bags per hectare. After the platooning, the bag of bacteria in the shed has very strict humidity requirements, and the humidity is kept between 85% and 90%. A hygrometer can be placed in the shed for regular inspection. Ventilate twice a day at 9 and 15 o'clock every 30 minutes. In other words, the two sides of the plastic film on the bed cover are lifted to circulate the air and the carbon dioxide in the shed is excluded to ensure that sufficient oxygen is available to meet the needs of the fruit body. The grass curtains covered by the small sheds make the shed light suitable for the growth of fruit bodies. This "flower pull light" 4 points 6 points yin yang, so that the ear hypertrophy, large flowers. In the high temperature period in summer, the sunshine is strong and the straw curtains must be tightly covered. This will reduce the light and cool the sun. The autumn sunshine will fade and the grass curtains will be sparsely covered, making the fruit body more light and heat. When the white fungus leaves (ventral surface) slightly white spores, the edge slightly inscribed, indicating that the fungus has matured, it is timely harvest. One day before harvesting, the water spray was stopped to increase the pulling force of the fungus, which facilitated the harvesting and facilitated the harvesting of the ear roots. Drying and drying methods are the same as those used to raise the ear.
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