Li Yongxin, a farmer in Zhangjiaxuan Village, Yangjiatao Township, Yutian County, Hebei Province, in 2003, adopted the cultivation model of high-quality winter wheat and Nepeta hybrid on his own contracted land of 1.3 hectares, and obtained higher benefits. 667 square meters of high quality wheat produced in 450 kg, 667 square meters of output value of 495 yuan, 667 square meters of benefit 143 yuan; 667 square meters production of Nepeta ear 170 kg, 250 kg of Nepeta straw, Beijing Tongren Tang Hebei Chinese herbal medicine technology development limited company orders acquisition The output value of 667 square meters was 1,545 yuan (of which, the production value of 1,667 square meters of Nepeta paniculata was 1,445 yuan, the yield of 667 square meters of Nepeta straw was 100 yuan), and the total benefit of 667 square meters was 1,217 yuan. Both sides got a total of 1360 yuan in net benefits. Its main cultivation techniques are as follows. 1. High-yield cultivation of winter wheat 1.1 The selection of high-quality special wheat variety “Super-superior 66â€. The variety has the characteristics of culm resistance to hardwood, cold resistance, disease resistance, fast filling, good yellowing, and earlier maturity. 1.2 Apply base fertilizer. Apply 3,000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer, 25 kg of diammonium phosphate, 10 kg of urea, 15 kg of potassium sulfate, and 1 kg of zinc sulfate per acre. Sprinkle the surface of the land before planting, implement full-layer fertilization, or randomly sow every 667 square meters. Sprinkle 45 to 50 kilograms of zinc sulfate and 1 kilogram of zinc sulfate. 1.3 timely sowing. Sowing from September 28 to October 5, no cold winter wheat. The sowing volume is 12 kg per 667 square meters. 1.4 Scientific domain fertilizer. The first is timely irrigation in winter, keeping the seedlings safe for winter. Winter irrigation was carried out from the end of November to the beginning of December, and it is advisable that the amount of irrigation be completed on the day. Combined with watering, topdressing 15 kg of urea per 667 square meters. The second is to reapply the jointing fertilizer and water to protect the panicle and increase grain. From April 15th to 20th, it was poured and water-saving. Topdressing was 20kg of urea per 667m2. The third is pouring a good grout and wheat yellow water, increasing grain weight and preventing premature aging. Watering this time pays attention to two points: First, the wind does not pour, otherwise it will cause a large area of ​​lodging. The second is to apply extra-root dressing, with 0.15-0.25 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per 667 square meters of water spray 40 to 50 kg evenly, played a role in raising roots, protecting leaves, and preventing premature aging. 1.5 Timely prevention and control of pests and weeds returning to greenery, spraying 10 grams of tribenuron-methyl per 667 square meters plus 25 grams of 2,4D-butyl ester to prevent weeds and leeks in wheat fields and weeds. In the jointing and heading stage, spraying with 20% triadimefon 100g and 50kg spray per 667m2 timely prevented wheat powdery mildew. From heading to filling stage, 50 to 60 ml of 40% omethoate was sprayed with 50 to 60 kg of water. After 10 days, wheat ear blast was treated for the second time. 2. Non-pollution cultivation of Nepeta 2.1 Combined with site preparation, after applying sufficient basal fertility, the grain is immediately rotated with rotary-plowed pears, and the depth of cultivation is 30 cm, so that the coarse fat and the soil are fully mixed. Base fertilizer is applied to 667 to 2500 kg of organic fertilizer and 15 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer per 667 square meters. After the ground is rotated, a 1.3-meter-wide curtain is made, and the surface is flat. 2.2 sowing by the end of June broadcast, drilled, spacing 25 cm, each open three 1 to 1.5 cm shallow ditch. Seeds were soaked in warm water for 6 to 8 hours and mixed well with fine sand. When sowing seeds, the seeds were evenly sprinkled in the furrows, covering the soil 0.5 to 1 cm. Water immediately after repression. The amount of 0.5-0.75 kg per 667 square meters. Keep the surface wet before emergence. 2.3 field management When the seedlings grow 3 to 4 true leaves, seedling height 7 cm combined with cultivator weeding, according to the spacing of 3 to 4 cm seedlings once, and watering. When the seedling grows to 5 to 6 true leaves, the height of the seedling is 10 cm, combined with cultivating and weeding, and the planting distance is 7 to 8 cm. Nepeta total need to top dressing 3 times, seedling height 10 cm Shi Shi first time, seedling height 20 cm Shi Shi second time, seedling height 30 cm above Shi Shi third time, top dressing amount is 10 kg urea per 667 square meters. 2.4 Control of pests and weeds 2.4.1 Diseases. 1 rot. July-August high temperature and rainy period is easy to attack. The susceptible plants quickly wilted on the ground and the roots and rhizomes turned black and rot. There was a clear epidemiological center. Control methods: After removing the diseased plants, treat the diseased spots with lime powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 500% tobramycin. 2 stem blight. Harmful stems, leaves, and spikes. After the damage, the stalks appear immersed in water-like lesions, brown, and spread to the surrounding areas to form a winding stem spot, resulting in wilting of the upper leaves and gradually turning to dry. After the onset of the leaves, the water-like scald appears to be like water; the petiole is immersed. Spots; the incidence of panicles is yellow-brown and cannot flower. The onset of the disease began and spread quickly afterwards. Control methods: spraying 50% carbendazim 1000 times spray at the beginning of onset, spraying once every 7 to 10 days for 2 or 3 consecutive times. 3 powdery mildew. It is mainly in the high temperature and rainy season in summer. The control method is to spray with 200-400 times of 50% sulfur suspension. 2.4.2 Insect pests. When pests such as locusts, cabbage caterpillars, and diamondback moth occur in the field, they are sprayed with a 500-fold solution of plant pesticide Qingyuanbao. However, if the density of insect population is not high, try not to use drugs to prevent and treat it. 2.4.3 Grass damage is mainly dodder seedlings. Cuscuta is a parasitic weed of the family Convolvulaceae, which is wound up from the stem of the plant, sucking plant nutrition with a sucker to make the plant grow poorly, and in serious cases, the plant is wounded to death. The method of prevention and control is to find that Cuscuta should be removed together with medicinal plants immediately and taken out of the field. 2.5 Scientifically harvested, air-harvested 80% of flowering spikes in the field are harvested when they reach half-flowered half seeds. After sunny dew was selected, the whole plant was cut with a file from the root. After the harvest, the Nepeta ear was cut from the base of the spike. If they cannot be cut in time, the cut Nepeta must be bundled and placed in a cool place. Dry the cut ears, place them in a cool and dry place for 3 to 4 days, and then dry them again. Let them dry enough and collect them for sale. Pay attention to prevent rain during drying, prevent dew wet, so as not to discolor, affect the quality. Nepeta stalks are dried and packaged into bales for sale.
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