First, the difference between odoriferous body: The odoriferous body of instant noodles is a noodle, while the flaky body of instant noodle is a vermicelli. The production process and formula of the two are very different. Due to different raw materials, formulas, production processes, etc., the main components of noodles and fans are also different, and the noodle with high oil content will cause rancidity and oxidation of the oil, resulting in noodles. The acid value and the peroxide value of the block rise and become flavoured. Usually, the instant noodle products are strictly tested for their acid value (AV) and peroxidation value (POV), while fans do not need to detect the relevant indicators affecting the taste, but mainly control its moisture. Visible differences between face blocks and fans are considerable. Second, the difference between seasoning soup: Because the difference between the dough and the fans is very large, it also leads to a large difference between the taste of the two, so the two soup how to research and development design is different. In particular, the deep-fried chunks are tasted, but the vermicelli does not show any flavor after being gelatinized. The noodles have high salt content and the fans contain almost no salt. The noodles have high oil content and the fans have almost no oil. The soup reduces the taste, and the fans do not affect the soup taste. The taste of the noodle is strong after rehydration, and the difference in taste after the rehydration of the fish is very weak. The material is very different. Third, how to improve instant noodle soup used to facilitate the fans: starting from the convenience of the consumer groups of fans, targeted market research on relevant consumers, to facilitate the development of fans soup recipes: first instant noodles soup in salt, oil The quantity, type of edible oil, application of flavors and fragrances, etc. are improved. The main improvements are as follows: salt, increasing the salt content of powder packets or sauce packets; edible oil, increased oil usage and not greasy, oil flavor Pure and attractive semen; flavor application, with high-grade thermal reaction or creamy flavor, plump and slightly velvety flavor, meat's distinctive flavor; sauce, prominent spices and fermented products after processing the good sauce Aroma; taste and flavor application, thick, pure, soft, pleasant, rich soup taste, with soup flavor. After improving the above several aspects, the target consumer is then tested for tasting. You can also use the Tianbo hot reaction beef powder B series, hot reaction chicken powder CH series, thermal reaction pork powder P series and refined powder series products to make the soup. For improved braised beef flavor, use beef extract 21110 and fried scallion oil 21099 under the action of anise, cinnamon, black pepper, etc. to make thick, soft and pure sauce flavors with real beef texture. Appropriate heat reaction beef powder B series, so that the taste and flavor of the product has been greatly improved. Hot Reaction Beef Powder B series can be blended with a variety of raw materials to produce a real beef flavor. It blends unprecedented beef flavor with special flavored products (fans), which is just a convenience food to eat and fast food restaurants. The reason for the consistent flavor is.
Goji Berry ( [Goji" means [happy") , also called wolfberry, has been used for thousands of years by herbalists in China to protect the liver, help eyesight, boost immune function, improve circulation, and promote longevity and overall well being. It has only recently gained popularity in the west, it has become so polar, in fact, the Time Magazine recently named the Goji berry as [super-fruit" of the year. A big reason why Goji berries have quickly become a favorite nutritional supplement is that its impressive list of ingredients. The Goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is a bright purplish red or purple red berry that comes from a shrub that is native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generation in the hope of living longer.
Grade A Goji Berry
Grade A Goji Berry,Grade A Dried Goji Berry,Grade AAAA Goji Berries,A Grade Dried Goji Berries