Generally, the growing and finishing pigs can be divided into three stages. One is the young pig stage (20-40 kg body weight); the second is the middle pig stage (40-60 kg); the third is the big pig stage (60-100 kg). The requirement for growing and finishing pigs is to produce a large number of marketed pigs with excellent quality and low cost in the shortest time possible with the minimum amount of feed and labor. Generally, good pig breeds and cross combinations are used. Under scientific breeding conditions, the average daily gain of finishing pigs weighing 20-90 kg can reach 700 grams or more. 160-170 days of age can be put on the market for sale. Material 2
.7-3.2 kg. The characteristics of growing-finishing pigs Piglet stage, the pig's feed utilization is more economical than large pigs. For example, piglets weighing 10-20 kilograms only consume 1.5-2 kilograms per weight gain; pigs weighing 20-40 kilograms require 2.2-2.8 kilograms of large pigs weighing 60-100 kilograms, requiring 3.5-4.2 kilograms. As the age and weight of the pig increase, the amount of feed consumed per kilogram increases. Feeding and management of growing and fattening pigs Nutritional requirements The young pig stage is mainly to promote the development of bones and muscles. The feed must have high protein and mineral content. Usually the dietary digestive energy content is 3-3.2 Mcal/kg, crude protein. 15-17%, lysine 0.7-0.9%, calcium, phosphorus were 0.6%, 0.5%; middle pig stage is mainly to promote muscle growth, usually dietary digestive energy content of 3 - 3.1 megacalories / kg, Crude protein is 14-16%, lysine is 0.6-0.8%, and calcium and phosphorus are 0.5% and 0.4%, respectively. Pigs in large pig stage are prone to grow long, and the nutrient concentration in the diet should be properly reduced to limit the growth of oil larvae. Dietary digestible energy content of 2.8-3 Mcal/kg, crude protein 13-14%, lysine 0.5-0.7%, calcium, phosphorus were 0.5%, 0.4%. Feeding methods (1) Change the traditional "hanging shelf fattening method" of farmhouses and adopt a straight line raising method. The "hanging shelf" method is usually "two-headed, medium-thick", ie, the young pigs are fed a small amount of fine material, the middle pigs are fed with a large amount of green coarse material, and the large pigs are fattened with a large amount of fine material. This method has many shortcomings. In the production of pigs for commercialized or specialized households, it should be changed to a straight-line fattening method. According to the nutritional needs of the pigs at each stage, the corresponding nutrition should be given to the pigs in order to achieve a short fattening period and feed utilization. The purpose of economy, quick turnover, and profitability. (2) Feeding with the front open rear limit method. The so-called front open rear limit is to allow pigs to feed freely before feeding a weight of 60 kg, or to feed a sufficient amount of feed each day. The nutrients in the feed must fully meet the needs of the pig so as to give full play to the pig's growth potential and promote bones. Completely developed with muscles. After 60 kilograms, the pigs began to grow up and the feed utilization rate was not as good as that of the previous economy. Feeding was properly limited, and the amount of feed supplied each day was about 80% of the free intake to control fat deposition. The recommended daily feed volume for pigs in each stage is 1.3-2 kg for 20-40 kg, 2-2.6 kg for 40-60 kg, and 2.6-2.8 kg for 60 kg or more. The management methods reasonably group pigs have the habit of catching food and bullying the weak. If the pigs of different sizes and strengths are kept together, the weak and the weak will often not have sufficient food and drinking water, and the growth and development will be affected. For the balanced growth of individual pigs, it is necessary to rationally divide the finishing pigs, that is, to keep the pigs according to their weight and type. For the first time, when pigs weigh 20 kg, they will later adjust their size and strength. The new group of pigs often fight each
Other. To alleviate and avoid this situation, groups can be bred in the evening. Spray some non-toxic and odorous substances like swiss and white wine on the same group of pigs. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen care when gregarious and to separate the biting pigs in time. The principle of grouping is: to stay weak and not to stay strong, to split more than not to remove less, and not to merge at night. The housing area for each captive pig generally occupied is: about 35 kg body weight, 0.3-0.5 square meters per head; about 75 kg body weight, 0.6-0.7 square meters per head; weight 90-100 kg, 0.8 per head 1 m2. In addition, each pig needs about 0.2-0.3 square meters of defecation sites. Timely deworming is usually done when the pig weighs 20-36 kg. Insecticides include trichlorfon, levamisole, and albendazole. The amount of trichlorfon used was 0.05 g/kg body weight, crushed and then dissolved in water, and the feed was mixed and fed once; the dosage of levamisole was 10 mg per kg of body weight; the amount of levamidox was once fed into the feed; the amount of albendazole was 20-30 mg per kg body weight, oral. Provide sufficient drinking water The daily water intake of pigs is about 2-4 times the dry matter intake, especially for young pigs. Pigs should be clean drinking water, can not use turbid, polluted water. The sink should be brushed and changed once a day. The number of feedings for rational feeding of finishing pigs is mainly based on the age of the pigs. Young pigs have small gastrointestinal volume, poor digestion, and relatively high feed needs, and can feed 4 times a day. Large and medium-sized pigs weighing more than 35 kilograms have increased gastrointestinal volume and enhanced digestion. They can feed 2-3 times a day. Too much feeding is not necessary, but it wastes manpower, which affects the rest and digestion of pigs. The trial showed that there was no significant difference in the rate of weight gain between pigs fed 2 meals and 5 meals a day. As far as the appetite of pigs is concerned, the highest in the evening, the next in the morning, and the weakest in the afternoon, so it is recommended to feed more in the morning and at night and feed less at noon. The interval between feedings should be uniform. The larger the pigs slaughtered in due course, the more fat deposits and the less economical the use of feed. Pigs 1 kilogram longer than the length of 1 kilogram of lean meat to consume 2-3 times more feed. The average market weight of pigs is 100-110 kg for large lean pigs, 90 kg for cultivars and general rural hybrid pigs, and 70-80 kg for precocious local fat pigs. (Source: Zhejiang Animal Husbandry News)
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