Cirrhosis patients need to pay attention to what diet

Liver cirrhosis is a common chronic progressive liver disease that affects the metabolism of fats, causing indigestion and the like. Therefore, patients with cirrhosis generally have poor appetite and decreased digestive function. Properly arranging the diet of liver cirrhosis patients to ensure the patient's reasonable nutrition is a step that can not be ignored in the treatment of liver cirrhosis.

1. Prohibition of alcohol and irritating foods

Bile should be fasting fatty fatty and high cholesterol; when it should appear to limit salt intake; hepatic coma, should be banned protein; esophageal varicose veins should avoid hard food, to liquid or semi-liquid; upper gastrointestinal bleeding Should be fasted temporarily, supplemented by veins. In patients with advanced cirrhosis and hepatic coma, protein intake should be strictly limited. Swollen or with ascites, should be less salt or no salt.

2. Avoid eating fish with high carbon content

Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common complication and cause of death in patients with cirrhosis. Fish eating is often one of the factors that induce blood. In the past, it was thought that bleeding was caused by a fishbone piercing the varices of the esophagus and the gastric veins. At present, it seems that after eating some fish, the change of coagulation function in the body may be a more important reason.

According to reports, some fish contain a substance called citric acid, which is an unsaturated organic acid and is particularly rich in fish oil. The human body cannot synthesize indolepentaenoic acid from others and is almost entirely derived from it. One of the metabolites of carbamenoic acid, prostacyclin, inhibits platelet aggregation, and clotting factor production is impaired in patients with cirrhosis, and the number of platelets is inherently low. After eating fish that contains more decanecarbaenoic acid, platelets Reduced agglutination, it is easy to cause bleeding, bleeding is difficult to stop. The content of indolepentaenoic acid in different fish varies widely. For sardines, blue-and-white mackerel, saury and tuna, the content of indole-pentaenoic acid is as high as 1 to 1.5%, while the contents of real eels, flounder and eel are much smaller. Therefore, some cirrhosis patients, in order to increase the body's protein to eliminate ascites, eating carp soup will not induce bleeding. It is not suitable for fish containing a large amount of cesareans.

3. Avoid eating rough food

The liver is an important organ of the human body. The venous blood in the abdominal cavity is almost all merged into a large portal vein and flows back to the heart through the liver. When the liver hardens, a large amount of fibrous tissue in the liver proliferates, which hinders the venous return in the abdominal cavity. As a result, the portal vein stagnates and the pressure increases. The obstructed abdominal venous blood has to bypass the lower esophageal vein and return to the heart. In this way, a large amount of blood flows through the lower esophageal vein, which causes the veins to expand, thicken and protrude. The thick veins can protrude from the esophageal mucosa and are exposed in the esophageal cavity, also called esophageal varices. Therefore, if you eat too rough, hard, when passing through the esophagus, it is easy to damage the veins due to friction, especially with spurs should not eat, so as not to scratch the esophageal vein, causing venous bleeding. About 20% of patients died of the first upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Once the esophageal venous hemorrhage occurs, the patient is fierce. If the rescue is not timely, it can be life-threatening.

Therefore, cirrhosis patients should pay special attention to soft, rotten, easy to digest as well. The vegetables must be chopped and smashed before they can be eaten. In addition, eating slowly, with esophageal varicose veins, fasting chicken, fish, ribs, etc. with bone spurs, while walnuts and peanuts and other nuts hard to chew the food to be cautious.

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