Calcium source feed for laying hens

Eggshell powder

The dried egg shells are made into eggshell powder as a calcium source feed, which will contain some organic matter, generally containing crude protein up to 12.4% and calcium containing 24.5%~26.5%. However, when using it, care should be taken to prevent eggshell contamination.

Stone powder

Limestone powder, natural calcium carbonate. Generally containing about 38% of pure calcium, is the cheapest calcium mineral feed supplement, and other more pure commercial calcium carbonate, chalk and old lime also have the same effect as stone powder.

Shell powder

When shell powder is used as a calcium source feed, attention should be paid to the use of seashells that have accumulated on the seashore for many years. Fresh shells should be disinfected because the protein is corrupted, bacteria and viruses are attached. Unsterilized chickens often cause diseases.

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