Can the white frost on the grapes be eaten?
Is the white frost on the skin of the grapes eaten? Autumn is a good time to eat grapes, but many people will find that when buying grapes in a fruit store, there is a layer of white frost on the grapevine, and it is difficult to wash away. Some people may not care much about it, and some people are worried about whether or not the residue is pesticide residue. So, what is the white frost on this grape skin? Can it be eaten? This should be a problem that many friends are concerned about. Is the hoarfrost on the skin of the grape eaten? In fact, not only does the grape surface have white frost, we also find that there are also a layer of white frost-like substances on surfaces such as plums, sugar cane, blueberries and even melons. Don't worry, this hoarfrost is not a harmful substance. This layer of hoarfrost is sugar and alcohol substances secreted by fruits and vegetables, also known as fruit powder. They are natural substances that are biosynthesized and completely harmless to the human body. Even if you don't clean it thoroughly, it doesn't matter if you eat it. And, to some extent, with hoar frost is a sign of whether the grapes are fresh or not. However, it cannot be completely avoided that some businesses spray low concentrations of bactericidal pesticides. How to distinguish normal white cream: Normal white cream is naturally distributed and does not cover the color of the grape's epidermis itself, making it look more beautiful. If the effect of the drug is a white frost, the appearance of the cream is uneven, and there will be dark blue marks. The role of hoarfrost on grape skins The hoarfrost on grape skins is not only harmless to humans, but also has a great effect. 1. Adapt to arid environment This layer of fruit powder has a protective effect on the fruit. For example, the layer of fruit powder on the surface of the grape can reduce the evaporation of water, thereby preventing rapid water loss and shrinkage after picking, and has a positive effect on adapting to arid environment. 2, reduce the infection of pathogenic bacteria The insoluble nature of this layer of fruit powder prevents the formation of a moist environment on the surface of the grapes, thus reducing the infestation of pathogenic bacteria. 3, the wine does not need additional yeast This layer of hoarfrost on the surface of the grapes also contains yeast, so the homemade wine can be fermented without the addition of yeast. Supplement: How to clean the hoarfrost on grape skin? Hoarfrost on grape skins is insoluble in water and is generally not easy to clean. Special methods must be taken. Method one: toothpaste cleaning method 1. Cut the grapes one by one with a pair of scissors and place them in a container. 2, take the right amount of toothpaste, play out in your hand. 3, rub the grape grains by hand, then wash with water, you can wash away the hoarfrost. Method two: Flour cleaning method 1. First, wash out the magazine attached to the grape surface with water. 2. Put the grapes in the container and add a spoonful of salt and two spoonfuls of flour. 3, add water, gently stir by hand, stir the grapes in a circular motion, and then let stand for 1 to 2 minutes. 4, remove and rinse with clean water, remove and air dry. Reminder: Grapes are fruits that are not susceptible to insects, and most of them are now bagged. The probability of using high-concentration pesticides is very small. Therefore, if it is determined that the grapes are their own, it is not necessary to wash them off. However, for the rest of your heart to eat, and some unexpected problems, or clean white cream and rest assured! Frozen Mackerel Flaps,Flap Mackerel,Frozen Mackerel Flap Fillet,Pacific Mackerel Flap Zhoushan City Shuangying Aquatic Products Co., Ltd.  ,