Transplantation of pig brain cells for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

Transplantation of pig brain cells for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

June 14, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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A biotech company in New Zealand announced that they have achieved initial success in transplanting pig brain cells into the brain of patients with Parkinson's disease. The four patients who had been transplanted had improved disease and maintained results for 18 months after transplantation. .

According to a recent report by the British "New Scientist" magazine, "Live Cell Technology Company" in Auckland, New Zealand completed a transplant test of 18 patients with Parkinson's disease last month and set up a control group. The test results are expected to be 11 this year. Revealed in the month.

Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system. The nerve cells secreting dopamine in the brain of patients suffer from limb tremor and difficulty in movement. The current therapy is to supplement dopamine, but the effect will gradually diminish.

"Live Cell Technology" uses a class of central nervous cells located in the choroid plexus of the porcine ventricle, which contains several growth factors and signaling molecules that are essential for maintaining nerve cell health.

The researchers designed a porous micro-capsule that could hold up to 1,000 pig brain cells. The capsule allows the growth factors secreted by the pig brain cells to penetrate into the surrounding brain tissue of the patient while protecting the pig brain cells from attack by the patient's immune cells.

In the initial trial, the researchers implanted 40 capsules on one side of each patient's brain. It was found that in the 199-point Parkinson's disease severity assessment system, the average condition of the four patients improved by 14 points, and the condition usually worsened without intervention. However, the placebo effect cannot be completely ruled out at this time.

The 18 newly transplanted patients were implanted with capsules on both sides of the brain, up to a maximum of 120. The researchers hope to further validate the effect of the therapy.

The anatomical structure and physiological characteristics of pigs are similar to humans and easy to raise. It is currently the main research object of xenogeneic organs and cell transplantation. Therapy for transplantation of porcine islet cells for the treatment of diabetes has been approved in some countries.

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