How to reduce the noise of diesel generator sets

If the diesel generator is making a burst of noise while working, how can we avoid making it noise? Here is the Ito Generator Company to analyze the points for everyone:

1 row of smoke muffling

The two residential mufflers installed in the original diesel generator set are silenced, and the flue gas after the muffler is combined into a Φ450mm pipe to extend upward from the exhaust louver.

2 wind noise

Install a natural air muffler on top of the soundproof room. The muffler is made with the same exhaust muffler, the net noise reduction length is 1.0m, the cross-sectional dimension is 3.4m×2.0m, the muffler thickness is 200mm, the spacing is 200mm, the muffler is externally unlined 90° silencer elbow, and the muffling elbow length is 1.2. m.

3 soundproof rooms

The sound insulation room is installed at the position of the diesel generator set, the size is 8.0m×3.0m×3.5m, and the outer wall of the sound insulation board is 1.2mm galvanized sheet. The inner wall is a 0.8mm perforated plate, the middle filling is 32kg/m3 ultra-fine glass wool, and the concave surface of the channel is filled with glass wool.

4 exhaust anechoic

The diesel generator set relies on its own fan exhaust, and an AES-type rectangular muffler is installed in the front part of the exhaust room. The size of the muffler is 1.2m×1.1m×0.9m, and the silencer is equipped with a silencer sheet thickness of 200mm and a pitch of 100mm. The muffler sheet is made of galvanized perforated plate clips on both sides of the ultra-fine glass wool structure. Nine mufflers of the same size were assembled into a large muffler of 1.2 m × 3.3 m × 2.7 m. The same size exhaust louver is located 300mm in front of the muffler.

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