Zhaka attenuated vaccine research breakthrough

Zhaka attenuated vaccine research breakthrough

July 13, 2018 Source: Health News

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Recently, it was learned from the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the team of researchers of the Institute of Wang Hanzhong successfully developed a new ZIKV attenuated vaccine using synthetic engineering techniques.

Synthetic attenuated virus engineering technology, also known as "password pair deoptimization technology", can increase the proportion of rare password pairs in the viral genome without changing the amino acid type and without affecting the spatial structure of the ribonucleic acid, thereby reducing the virus. The replication translation efficiency makes the virus pathogenicity weak. The technique for preparing attenuated vaccines has the characteristics of short cycle, safety and strong immunogenicity. Wang Hanzhong successfully rescued 3 weak Zika virus using reverse genetics technology. One of the genomes named MinE+NS1 introduced 2568 synonymous mutations, which stimulated mice after a single immunization. Produces high titers of neutralizing antibodies, induces clearance immunity, achieves complete challenge protection, and prevents Zika from propagating vertically through the mother to offspring. Since the genome contains hundreds of thousands of synonymous mutations, the risk of back mutations is extremely low.

The study proves that the use of password pair deoptimization technology can effectively weaken Zika virus, and MinE+NS1 has the potential to become a safe vaccine candidate to prevent Zika virus infection. The research results were published online in the international academic journal Virus Journal. The research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation Promotion Association.

Zika virus was first discovered in monkeys in Uganda in 1947. The virus and yellow fever virus, dengue virus, etc. belong to the mosquito-borne flavivirus. In June 2015, Zika virus was widespread in the Americas, resulting in a large number of infant brain hypoplasia. In February 2016, the World Health Organization announced Zika virus as a global emergency public health event. Up to now, there has been no authorized vaccine for the infection of Zika virus, and there is no specific antiviral treatment. (Reporter Mao Xu correspondent Chen teasing)

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