Blue light can reduce systolic blood pressure

Blue light can reduce systolic blood pressure

December 14, 2018 Source: Chinese Journal of Science

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At present, Professor Christian Heiss of the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom has shown that exposure to blue light can significantly reduce systolic blood pressure, increase heart rate, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Christian Heiss and colleagues say that previous research suggests that ultraviolet light can induce the release of nitric oxide from human skin, thereby lowering blood pressure. However, local exposure to ultraviolet light poses a potential cancer risk compared to visible light. In this study, we investigated whether the body's whole body exposure to visible light can also lower blood pressure and enhance endothelial function in healthy people.

Blue light is a relatively high energy light having a wavelength between 400 nm and 480 nm. Blue light has the function of adjusting biological laws, which can improve the quality of sleep, mood, memory and so on. However, the blue light between 400 nm and 440 nm will increase the amount of toxin in the macular area of ​​the eye, which is a serious threat to eye health. In addition, the damage caused by the blue light of the wavelength to the human eye is related to the irradiation intensity and the irradiation time. When the irradiation intensity reaches a certain level, the retina may be damaged.

In a randomized crossover study, 14 healthy male test subjects were exposed to blue light at a wavelength of 450 nm for 30 minutes. This dose of blue light is equivalent to daily sunlight, and then is regulated by light at different times.

In order to evaluate the experimental results, the researchers recorded the blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, vasodilation, and plasma nitric oxide index of the tester before, during, and two hours after the experiment.

Christian Heiss found that the tester's total exposure to blue light significantly reduced the body's systolic blood pressure by 8 mm Hg, compared to the regulation of light exposure that did not affect blood pressure.

They also found that exposure to blue light can effectively improve other cardiovascular risk indicators, including reducing arteriosclerosis and increasing vascular relaxation. This will further support blue light for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, they observed that exposure to blue light in humans increases nitric oxide levels in the body, and nitric oxide is an important signaling molecule that protects the cardiovascular system. It is believed that blue light radiation promotes the release of nitric oxide from the skin into the bloodstream, thereby relaxing the blood vessels, increasing blood flow and lowering the blood pressure index.

Christian Heiss said: "In the absence of medical treatment, human exposure to blue light is an innovative treatment for precise blood pressure control. Portable blue light source for continuous exposure to the human body may also cause the body's systolic blood pressure index to drop, which for those The elderly population whose blood pressure is not easily controlled by drugs is very beneficial." Currently, this latest research report is published in the recently published European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

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