Winter lips dry what to eat

The dryness of the lips in the winter is due to the lack of sebaceous glands on the lips and the inability to form protective protective cortical membranes. The thin cuticles of the lips make it difficult to retain moisture. In addition, the intake of vitamins and water in the winter is relatively small, and it easily leads to dry lips. . What dryness does the winter lips eat?


Winter lips dry what to eat

1, fruits and other

Such as mulberry, sugar cane, banana, watermelon, melon, wolfberry, mango, pear, mangosteen, persimmon, pineapple, coconut, lotus root, lotus root, raw radish, lotus seeds, lily, barley, wolfberry fruit, tea, chrysanthemum, honey, rock sugar, Salt and so on.

2, food and hard fruit

Such as sesame, pine nuts, black beans, millet, wheat, barley. The main causes of dry lips are: lack of water and oil in the daily diet, lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and yin and low fever, dry climate or some systemic diseases. Diets to prevent chapped lips, should eat foods of peace or cold food.

3, poultry meat eggs

Such as black bone chicken, pork, duck, duck eggs, goose, goose, pig lung, rabbit meat, horse meat and milk. The main causes of dry lips are: lack of water and oil in the daily diet, lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and yin and low fever, dry climate or some systemic diseases. Diets to prevent chapped lips, should eat foods of peace or cold food.

4, aquatic products

Such as seaweed, kelp, jellyfish, oysters, turtle, snail, crab, loach, squid, squid, black fish, oysters.

5, vegetables

Such as spinach, mustard, leeks, leeks, lily, white radish, eggplant, bamboo shoots, tomatoes, melon, cucumber, loofah, bitter gourd, mushrooms, white fungus, mung beans, soybeans and their products.

Many people wait until the lips begin to crack and use lip balm. In fact, lip balm should be used when the lips are healthy. If the lips are already peeling off, stop using them. Many people will tear with their hands once the lips are lifted, but this is not correct, and it may cause the lips to bleed or even become infected. When the lips are lifted, use a small scissors to carefully look in the mirror. Cut it off.

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