Aloe is a perennial evergreen, succulent herbaceous plant of the family Liliaceae, native to the arid regions of tropical deserts in Africa. Leafy flesh, hard surface with strong water storage capacity. The clumps are rosette-like or born on the top of the neck. The long needles of the leaf form a short and wide leaf, and the edge has a sharp tine. Fruit pods. The majority of seeds. The shape properties vary widely between varieties. A. Cultivars Aloe Vera has a wide variety of species, but only Aloe arborescens (commonly known as Dragon's claw), Aloe vera, Aloe vera, etc. are suitable for cultivation. Since the growth of Aloe vera at 5°C or less is inhibited, it can only be planted indoors, easily Sunlight greenhouses and greenhouse cultivation. 1. Aloe Vera L. Aloe Vera L. is generally known as Aloe vera, and Fan La is a transliteration of its species name, also known as Aloe Vera. This aloe stem has a short stem and the leaves are on the top of the stem. The leaves are 30-70 cm long, the stem is 4-15 cm wide, the tip is pointed, the steps are toothed, and the leaves are grayish green. Yellow flowers. Divided by law. There is a lot of cultivation in the United States. In Aloe vera, artificial selection methods were used to select some varieties, such as Chinese aloe vera and Shangnongdaye aloe. 2. Aloe vera L var. chinesis (Haw.) Berger) is a variant of Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera. Aloe vera is more pointed than the front, leaves grow longer than Aloe vera, leaves pale green, with white spots, flowers pink or yellow. Strong ability to deliver, with strong adaptability. More common in the market. Leaf juice has a beauty and medicinal value, leaf tenderness can be eaten as a raw material of aloe vera. However, the yield is low, and the leaf meat is not as thick as Aloe vera. 3, Aloe borage (Aarboresesens.Mill.) Also known as wood sword aloe vera, Aloe arborescens. Shaped like an upright tree, the leaves are long, narrowly needle-shaped, with small, stinging edges, gray-green leaves and succulent leaves. The main stems are clustered at the base of the stem, and summer-autumn stems are spawned with spindle-shaped flowers at the top of the main stem. The flowers are red, yellow, or have red spots. Japanese people believe that Aloe arborescens is the best medicinal aloe variety and is currently being commercialized in Japan. Aloe vera dried powder is processed with aloe vera and can cure various diseases. The plant height in the country of origin can reach 6 meters or more, and it can grow up to 2 meters in greenhouse production. However, the single leaf is relatively small and the leaf meat is also thin, which is suitable for processing and utilization. In recent years, through the cultivation and research of a large number of scientific researchers, aloe vera has been cultivated for food. The aloe vera used for vegetables has the characteristics of strong wildness, less pests and diseases, little or no pesticides used in cultivation, and the product is basically harmless, which is in line with the current trend of social consumption. Compared with ordinary aloe vera, the vegetable aloe vera leaves are thicker, with a glossy leaf mask, less thorns on the leaf margins, and thin upper and lower epidermis. The leaves are white and transparent with no bitterness. They are rich in organic acids, proteins, sugars, peptides,
Vitamins, chlorophyll, and free amino acids. , Anthraquinones, terpenoids and a variety of active enzymes, suitable for raw salad, cooking processing. The current cultivated varieties are Shangnong Daye Aloe Vera and Yuanjiang Aloe Vera. Second, the aloe on the soil environment requirements 1, soil aloe on the soil is not strict, but hi hi fertile, loose, well-drained, organic-rich sandy soil. Soil pH 6.5-7.2 is the best range of aloe growth. Aloe vera seedlings usually grow faster in sand. Into the adult stage, organic fertilizer must be added to the sand. When growing in clay, the soil must be sanded or organic fertilizer added. Loam can meet the requirements of aloe root growth and is the most ideal soil for aloe cultivation. 2. Requirements for
Nutrients In addition to the absorption of CO2 from the air during the development of aloe, other nutrients are almost all derived from nutrients in the soil. The main nutrients required for aloe are: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, iron, magnesium, manganese, boron, zinc and more than ten elements, but the requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the largest, and the ratio is approximately ( 5-10): 20:20. Sustained supply is required. In the absence of other trace elements, it is also easy to affect the growth of aloe. It should be added in time. In the recovery of fertilizers, it is necessary to use non-polluted organic fertilizers (such as chicken manure or farm manure), spraying of chemical fertilizers and leaf fertilizers containing hormones, and the use of pesticides is strictly prohibited. 3, light aloe joy light. When the light is sufficient, the plants are strong, the leaves are hypertrophic, and the leaves are dark green; when the light is insufficient, they can also grow under the conditions of micro-negative, but they can easily cause leggy, making the plants thin, the leaves thin, and the leaves pale. However, too strong sunlight can lead to plant dormancy and slow growth, especially for newly planted seedlings. Under too strong light, the leaves will turn purple, and grow slowly. In production, proper shading treatment of newly planted seedlings can shorten the seedling period. The light intensity is strongest at noon in the summer and exceeds the range of light saturation of aloe vera. The shade in the production can be properly shaded to reduce the light intensity to about 50% of natural light. However, avoid being too shady, otherwise it will cause the leaves to rot. 4, the temperature Aloe native to the tropical, is a kind of thermophilic plants, which is characterized by: "cold chills." The minimum temperature is 10°C-12°C. If the temperature is lower than 10°C, the growth stops. When the temperature is between 0°C and 5°C, it will not cause frostbite, but it will cause the growth of the leaves to be weak, which will infect many diseases, and the roots will decay. In severe cases, it will lead to a large area of ​​death. When the temperature is lower than 0°C, icing phenomenon occurs inside the cells of aloe, and the victim suffers wilting and death. Under protected cultivation conditions. Can tolerate a short frost of 3°C. In winter, when it is cloudy, it is necessary to make up the temperature, remove the snow on the shed film in time, and pay attention to the low temperature in the early morning to ensure that the aloe vera is safe for winter. In general, winter sunny days are revealed at 9am and covers at 3pm. After entering March, gradually put the top wind to cool down. The optimum temperature for aloe growth is 25°C-30°C. In order to increase the accumulation of nutrients in Aloe vera, the temperature can be appropriately reduced at night to accelerate the growth of Aloe Vera. Generally during the growth period, the night temperature can be controlled between 14 °C and 17 °C. Aloe vera has strong resistance to high temperatures. According to relevant experiments, the extreme value of heat damage in Aloe vera during its growth period is about 50°C-55°C. 5, moisture Aloe leaves more meat, moisture content of up to 98.5%, with amazing drought resistance. If aloe is uprooted and dried in ventilated areas, even if water is not supplied, aloe vera can still use the water in the body to carry out faint life activities, and it can be maintained for more than half a year. At the same time, if it is replanted in the ground to restore the water supply, The plants can grow again. Aloe vera differs in its requirements for water at different stages of development. At the seedling stage, the area of ​​transpiration leaves is small, and the demand for water is also small, but its root system is weak and has a shallow distribution in the soil, so it is very sensitive to water changes. Therefore, keeping the soil moist is very favorable for seedling growth. At the adult stage, the requirement of water for Aloe Vera was relatively increased, and drought tolerance was also significantly enhanced. Aloe vera bogey soil water, water more than 10 hours, ranging from rot, rotten leaves, weight is caused by the death of aloe whole plant. The soil water content is 50%-60%. 6. Ecological environment The ecological environment (air, water, soil, etc.) of aloe cannot be contaminated. Oxygen: Aloe requires oxygen to breathe during growth and development. Soil compaction, long-term accumulation of water, lack of oxygen in the soil, will cause the growth of Aloe vera blocked and poorly developed. Solution: Add organic fertilizer, scratching, and improving soil structure to meet the oxygen requirement of the root system. Carbon dioxide: The carbon dioxide content in the soil is generally around 0.03%, which is the main raw material for photosynthesis and production of organic substances in aloe. Increasing the carbon dioxide content can enhance the photosynthesis of aloe and promote the growth of aloe. If the content of carbon dioxide in the air is increased to 0.2%-0.4%, the yield of aloe can be increased. However, if the carbon dioxide content exceeds 2%-5%, the growth and development of aloe will be inhibited. Third, the breeding method 1, the axillary propagation method Aloe vera generally grow more than 2-3 years, can be from the underground stem or stem of the main section of the new plant growth. The 2-year-old aloe can grow 10-15 tillers within 1 year. When the tiller grows to 4-5 leaflets and 3-5 small roots, it can be cut with a knife to reproduce. The better-grown sub-plants can be directly separated from their mother plants, and the staggered and aged roots can be cut off, and they can be planted in pots or dedicated seedbeds. If there is a large wound in the root, the wound should be slightly dried (in the cool, dark place) and implanted in soil. Otherwise, it will easily rot. On the stem section of the seedlings produced, often can not form a good root system, can be separated from the mother plant, put cool and ventilated place for 2-3 days, so that the cut off site and then dry into the pot or seedbed. Do not insert too deep when the cuttings, 1-2 cm can be. After inserting the sub-strain, it is not necessary to water (because the aloe vera can absorb moisture from the air in the leaves, and the water in the soil can easily cause rot), but it is necessary to increase the air humidity in certain conditions, so plastic sheds can be stamped to facilitate Keep the air moist. The temperature during cutting should be controlled at around 30°C during the day and above 5°C at night. After 20-30 days, 3-4 roots can be grown, and the length is about 5 cm. 2. The cutting propagation method is also known as forced propagation. In addition to being used for breeding, this method is more important because, by removing the apical bud of aloe vera, it can make it easier to spawn ramets. The specific approach is: use aloe vera more than 2-3 years old, when it has more than 8-10 leaves, can be cut from the top of the stem 10-12 cm, or from the leaves of the bud cut 10-15 cm long buds Leave 5-7 leaves in the upper segment, leave 3-4 leaves in the lower segment, and cut the stem segments upside down in the cool place for 10-15 days to allow the incision to shrink and dry. Then remove the two leaves closest to the incision and insert them. Cover the seedbed of the shade shed. The young shoots are rooted for about 20 days after transplanting, and the soil is kept moist after rooting, suitable top dressing, seedling growth, and strong seedlings. Other operations and management methods are the same as those for the ramification method. It should be noted that the leaves of aloe are grown on a sticking stem, cutting only the stem but not the leaves. IV. Cultivation Techniques 1. Land preparation Aloe vera is a perennial plant that generally grows for 3-5 years after colonization and cannot be easily moved once it is planted. Therefore, it is very important to improve the structure of the soil before planting. (1) Increase organic fertilizer and improve soil. Aloe vera consumes large amounts of land. To ensure high quality, high yield, and stable yield of aloe, it is a key measure to increase pollution-free organic fertilizer before planting. Select land plots with high topography, low groundwater level, unobstructed drainage, loose soil, breathable and fertile soil. The pre-planting area requires two plows and three plows. The plowing depth is 15-20 cm. The decomposed organic fertilizer is 2000-3000 kilograms per mu and the compound fertilizer is 100 kilograms of leafy vegetables. The whole width is 1 meter and the height is 10-15 centimeters. 15-20 meters long. Before transplanting, apply a layer of pine leaf or peat soil to the surface and plow till leveling. After transplanting, the soil around the seedlings was compacted, poured enough water, and then cultivated dry soil and shaded in time. According to the conditions of fertility, apply base fertilizer at one time. (2) Sterilize the soil. Soil sterilization is to kill the eggs, larvae and pathogens in the soil. It is an essential measure to increase production. Generally, it takes place 15-30 days before planting. There are two methods of soil sterilization: physical sterilization and chemical sterilization. We advocate the use of physical sterilization, that is, plowing the land in the high temperature period in summer and covering it with plastic film. Padding, or freezing in the winter. 2. Planting can be planted on an annual basis, and it is better if the daily average temperature is stable above 15°C. It is appropriate to cover the base of the lower leaf when planting. After planting, the mulching film can better improve the survival rate, promote root development, save water and labor, and reduce seedling management. The row spacing is generally 40 cm and 50 cm. When planting in poor sandy soil, the row spacing is 30 cm and 40 cm. After planting, water should be poured and shaded properly. After about 10-15 days, the seedlings can be returned to green, and watering and light can be increased. About 50 days after colonization, apply composted manure or compound fertilizer once. 3, field management 4-6 months and August-September is the best growing period of aloe. If the soil is too dry, its growth and development will be affected. Therefore, water should be fully watered during this period. It is generally poured after it is dry and poured. After this period of time, it is necessary to properly control the watering so that the soil does not become too wet, so that it will not dry or pour, and pouring will be less to prevent rot. Avoid watering at noon. Watering should be appropriate. If there is wet soil at 2 cm below the surface soil, watering is not required. When you have just planted, the soil should be a little dry, do not water it, and water it again in half a month. After the slow seedling period, water will be poured every 2-3 days in the summer and once in 6-7 days in the spring and autumn. Water will not be applied in winter. Fertilizers need to consider the coordination and balance of the various elements. Apply a small amount of fertilizer, compound fertilizer, and a small amount of bone meal and plant ash each month. After the planting, all the aloe vera will turn green and light and watering will be carried out, and timely weeding and weeding will be carried out. Aloe is a perennial plant. This year should focus on the management of spring and summer. From April to May, strong growth, combined with watering for 1-2 times. From July to August, pay attention to ventilation, shade and watering. Fertilizers should be guaranteed 3-4 times this year, applying 15 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizers per acre. If young shoots affect the growth of the mother, the ramets should be removed or excavated in time. Winter should be frost-proof. When the temperature is lower than 5°C, it should be covered in advance. It is best to cover it with double sheds. Work should be done before the onset of frost damage. When the outside temperature is lower than 5°C, the temperature in the shed should be increased, and at high temperatures at noon, the greenhouse should be vented and ventilated. 4, pest control As long as the strengthening of plant quarantine, water and fertilizer management, aloe is generally not sick. Such as suffering from brown spot, anthrax, leaf blight, white peony disease, can be used carbendazim 800 times the liquid spray 1 week, even spray 2-3 times, at the same time cut the leaves of many lesions . Pay attention to prevent pesticide contamination of aloe leaves. 5, harvesting and harvesting parts are axillary buds, leaves, flowers, calyx and roots. Harvest season is best in spring, summer and autumn. Harvest axillary buds can be used for breeding, aloe vera used for harvesting leaves, must be more than 3 years of adult plants, grow to about 45 cm high. There should be more than 20 leaves per plant, most of the leaves should have 500g weight, 3-4 leaves can be harvested each time, 3-4 times can be harvested every year, and the bottom leaves are generally used, every 2 Harvested once a month or so, 2-4 leaves per plant were collected. The mother plants that had been harvested must have more than 12 leaves and should not be over-extracted. The part of the harvesting mouth must be the base of the sheath. After harvesting, it is advisable to chase the fertilizer once, mainly with nitrogenous fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, supplemented by potassium fertilizer, 3-4 times per year. 6. Overwintering Aloe vera will stop growing at 5°C and will die at 0°C. If the amount of cultivation is large, it can be placed in the greenhouse or in the plastic greenhouse for the winter. If the amount of cultivation is small, it can be placed in the living indoor winter, the indoor air temperature should be kept at 5-25°C, or the aloe can be pulled out and dried 7-10. Day, then spread by newspapers, rags or dry straw (one by one) in the room, and plant them again until the temperature rises in the coming year; or cut the aloe from its mother plant, hang it indoors, and spring again. Cuttings. The sturdy plant stems will not wither after 3 or 4 months of storage. Even if the tips of the leaves are red and dry, as long as the stems are healthy, they can survive after planting. Aloe vera and seedlings can be insulated with old blankets, etc. When the temperature is high (above 5°C), attention should be paid to ventilation.
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