What are the genetic mysteries of papaya, known as the fruit of "100 benefits?" The "Papaya Whole Genome Sequencing Project", co-chaired by the TEDA Biotechnology Institute of Nankai University and the University of Hawaii's Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics Research Center, was recently implemented to begin deciphering the whole genome of woody cash crops. This is another large-scale genome deciphering work after the Chinese scientific community has participated in the decipherment of the human genome and the super hybrid rice genome. According to the project's Chinese host, Dean of the Taida Institute of Biotechnology, Nankai University, and Wang Lei, the distinguished professor of the “Yangtze River Scholar Award Program†of the Ministry of Education, the “Papaya Whole Genome Sequencing Project†project will be completed in early 2006, and the required research funding will be about 5 million. The dollar is provided by the United States. (Chen Jie Zhang Guo)
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