According to the comprehensive assessment of toxicity (acute oral, transdermal toxicity, chronic toxicity, etc.) of commonly used pesticides (original drugs) in agricultural production, they are classified into three groups: high toxicity, medium toxicity, and low toxicity. 1. Highly toxic pesticides (LD50<50mg/kg): 3911, Suhua 203, 1605, methyl 1605, 1059, chlorimicarb, monocrotophos, phosphoamine, methamidophos, isoprophos, trithiophos, oxidation Dimethoate, zinc phosphide, aluminum phosphide, cyanide, carbofuran, fluoroacetamide, arsenic, insecticidal fleas, Xilisheng, Seliso, net ulcer, chloropicrin, pentachlorophenol, dibromochloropropane 401 and so on. 2. Moderately toxic pesticides (LD50 between 50-500mg/kg): There are safrole pine, dimethoate, Dafengfen, ethion, imidophos, phosphatidylcholine, BHC, HCP, toxic Acanthopril, chlordane, DDT, carbaryl, sulfoxenone, methotrexate, halothion, chlorfenone, anti-indolazole, fenthion, dichlorvos, pyrethroids, chlorfenac, radix , Dexon, 402, Formosa, A. alpina, Trichoderma, Tetrahedron, Dessenamine, Synthetic Ring, 2,4-D, Oat Enemy, Amochlor and others. 3. Low-toxicity pesticides (LD50>500mg/kg): trichlorfon, marathon, acephate, phoxim, dicofol, carbendazim, thiophanate, captan, zein, thiram, terras , Allophanine, B-aluminum, chlorothalonil, herbicidal ether, propanil, atrazine, defoliating, lansoline, herbicidal dandruff, 2-methyl-4-chloro, chlorotoluron, diuron, fluorine Funing, Bendazosone, thatch, glyphosate and so on. According to the standards for the safe use of pesticides, all varieties that have been set out as "safe use standards for pesticides" shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the "standards." For varieties that have not yet been formulated as "standards", the following regulations apply: Highly toxic pesticides: They are not allowed to be used in crops such as vegetables, tea, fruit trees, and Chinese herbal medicines, and are not allowed to be used in the prevention and control of sanitary pests and human or animal skin diseases. In addition to rodenticides, they are not allowed to use Rat poison. Fluacetamide is prohibited for use on crops and rodenticides are not allowed. "3911" EC is only suitable for seed dressing and is strictly prohibited from spraying. Carbofuran granules are only allowed to be used for seed dressing. Ditch the soil with gloves or gloves, and do not allow spraying after spraying. 2. High residual pesticides: 666, DDT, and chlordane are not allowed to be used in crops such as fruit trees, vegetables, tea trees, Chinese herbal medicines, tobacco, coffee, pepper, and lemongrass. Chlordane is only used for seed dressing to control underground pests. 3. Insecticides: Can be used to control cotton spider mites, rice borers and so on. According to the results of the research on the toxicity of insecticidal lice, the use should be controlled. Only use once during the whole growth period of rice. Use 20% water solution per acre 100 grams, from the harvest time shall not be less than 40 days, 200 grams per acre with 25% water, from the harvest time shall not be less than 70 days, prohibited in other food, oil, vegetables, fruit trees, herbs , tea, tobacco, sugar cane, sugar beet and other crops. In the control of cotton pests, the frequency and amount of use should also be controlled as much as possible. When spraying, avoid direct contact with the drug. 4. It is forbidden to use pesticides to poison fish, shrimps, frogs and beneficial birds and animals.
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