Low-cost drugs are expected to be used for bowel cancer prevention
Low-cost drugs are expected to be used for bowel cancer prevention November 22, 2018 Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Zhang Jiawei A new study published in the British "Lancet" magazine said that clinical trials have shown that two common inexpensive drugs have inhibitory effects on colorectal polyps, and it is expected that low-cost and effective colorectal cancer prevention methods will be found in the future. The clinical trial was led by researchers at the University of Leeds in the UK to validate the effects of the antipyretic analgesic aspirin and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a purified "omega-3" fatty acid on colorectal polyps. Colorectal polyps are a general term for all neoplastics that protrude into the intestine. Some polyps develop cancer and develop colorectal cancer. The researchers recruited more than 700 participants from 53 hospitals in the UK who were examined and diagnosed as high-risk people with colorectal cancer. These individuals were randomized to receive aspirin, EPA or placebo daily. One year later, the results showed that patients taking aspirin had 22% less colorectal polyps compared with placebo-treated controls; patients taking EPA had less total colorectal polyps, especially polyps on the left side of the large intestine. 25% less than the control group. Mark Hull, the lead author of the report and a professor at the University of Leeds, said that from the results of clinical trials, both aspirin and EPA have shown a preventive effect on colorectal cancer, and one of the most exciting things is that they are relatively cheap and safe. In the future, it is hoped that by further studying the mechanism of action of these two drugs, more accurate development of inexpensive colorectal cancer prevention drugs. JRT usb interface distance sensor board adds a USB port to a Laser Distance Sensor, inexpensive laser distance measurement sensors, allowing customers directly using GBeacon-2.3-Fx.exe software to control the rangefinder sensor. Usb laser distance sensors are the the most popular model devices, it works by measuring the phase of an visible-red laser beam that reflects on the target. Usually, customers would like to choose CH341SER.EXE version to test. USB Laser Distance Sensor,Distance Sensor,Laser Distance Sensor,Distance Measurement Sensors Chengdu JRT Meter Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.irdistancesensor.com