1. Small intestinal insects (1) Harmful symptoms. Divided into red and yellow. All the larvae lurk in the glume and suck the sap of the granules that are being grouted, causing pods and empty shells. In the great year, the whole field can be destroyed and the grain can't be harvested. (2) the characteristics of the disease. Both midge insects occur one generation a year, and they have many years of dormant habits in case of adverse environmental larvae. The old mature larvae grow in the soil and cross over the winter and summer. In the Huanghuai valley in mid-March, the overwintering larvae rose to the soil surface. At this time, the wheat was mostly in the jointing stage, and in the middle and late April, there was a large amount of phlegm. The eclosion stage was from April to early May. After the emergence of adults, Value of wheat heading flowering period, followed by a large number of spawning. In the northwest region, the period of adulthood is mostly in the middle and early June. The developmental history of yellow mites in the same area was slightly earlier than that of wheat red midge. On the day of or after the adult emergence, mating and spawning occurs. The red midge insects will produce eggs between spikelets and spikelets that have not yet been flowered, one of 3 to 5 capsules and 3 to 5 days of egg period. Yellow-sucking midges are prolific in the inside and outside culms and their side-slices of newly emerged ear-breeding wheat strains, producing 5 to 6 grains at one place and 7 to 9 days at the egg stage. After the larvae hatch, they are transferred to the glume and attached to the ovary or granules that have just been grouted. A total of 3 larvae, duration of 15 to 20 days, mature larvae damage, climb to the glume and wheat, with raindrops, dew or automatic bullets landed on the soil surface, drilling into the soil 10 ~ 20cm for the wintering . (3) Control methods. Agricultural control: Select wheat varieties with tight spikes, long and dense hairs in the outer and inner rims, thick skin of the seeds, and the efflux of the slurry. Carry out rotations to avoid the source of insects. Chemical control: The larvae density was investigated by scouring the soil, and randomly selected from 1 to 2 pieces of representative wheat fields, 10 to 10 cm 20 cm above the small top, 7 to 10, and after mixing, 1/7 to 1/10 soil samples were poured. In the barrel, add water and stir. After the sediment, pour the slurry into the copper yarn screen, filter out the muddy water, and then remove the debris on the screen. Check the worms left on the screen. Repeat the panning several times to check the insects. net. In the early stage of wheat heading, a survey of adult insects was carried out on the net (the diameter of the insect catching net mouth was 30cm). The animal walked on the wheat field and repeated 10 times in a row to record the number of insects. When there are more than 5 insects on the top of the wheat field, control is needed. In the early stage of wheat earing, 10 to 25 adult worms were caught on average 10 times in total, requiring immediate prevention and control. Use 50% phoxim EC 200ml and add 5kg of water. Sprayed on 20 ~ 25kg of fine soil, mixed with poisonous soil, while spreading and ploughing, into the soil. 2. Wheat leaf blight (1) Harmful symptoms. The main damage leaves and sheaths, and sometimes also harm the panicles and stems. Oval pale green lesions initially appeared on the slice, and later gradually expanded into irregularly shaped large yellow lesions. There are scattered black granules on the lesion, which is the conidia of the pathogen. The disease usually begins with the lower leaves and gradually develops upward. In late autumn and early spring, when pathogens invade the root of the host, the lower leaves die, causing the plants to weaken and even die. (2) the characteristics of the disease. In the winter wheat region, germs grow on wheat residues or seeds over the summer, and they invade the seedlings in the fall, and the main host of the bacteria overwinters on the diseased plants. In the spring of next year, pathogenic bacteria produce conidial transmission hazards; in spring wheat region, pathogenic conidia and mycelium overwinter on wheat residues, and conidial propagation damage occurs after wheat is sown in the following spring. Under the condition of low temperature and high humidity, the development of the disease is favored. The resistance of different varieties to leaf blight is quite different. (3) Control methods. The disease-resistant and disease-resistant seedlings were selected; the stubble was removed by deep rinsing, the diseased body was removed, and the self-producing wheat seedlings were eliminated; the farmyard manure was applied after high-temperature stacking. Severe disease fields can be considered for crop rotation; Datian sprays pesticides and sprays on carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, or triadimefon in severely affected fields. 3. Wheat full-blown disease (1) hazard symptoms. Also known as black foot disease, which is mainly harmful to wheat, barley, corn and other grass crops, is a devastating disease and has been listed as a domestic phytosanitary target. After the wheat was infected, the tillering was reduced, the rate of spike formation was reduced, and the grain weight decreased. The lighter person reduced the yield by 10% to 20%, and the severer person reduced the production by more than 50%. The disease has spread and spread rapidly. In the absence of any measures, it usually takes only 3 years from sporadic occurrence to major event. (2) the characteristics of the disease. Whole wheat rot disease is a kind of root rot and root rot disease. It can be attacked during the whole wheat growth period. The pathogen only infects the roots and bases of 1-2 stems. After the onset of seedlings, the plants are dwarfed with more yellow leaves in the lower position and fewer tillers. Similar to drought-fat deficiency, the primary roots (seed roots) and rhizomes (middle stems) turn dark brown, and in severe cases can cause the whole plant to die. The term "full eclipse" is used to describe the state of serious damage at the seedling stage. During the jointing stage, the winter wheat seedlings returned slowly and slowly, and most of the roots of the diseased plants turned black. The grayish-black mycelium layer appeared at the base of stems and sheaths. After the heading, the diseased plants clustered or spotted and the early dry white ear occurred. The diseased root became black and easy to pull up. Stems and sheaths were covered with a dark brown layer of mycelia. They were black-footed. The color was darkened and black plaster-like. The dark brown granular vesicles covered the shell. When the soil was dry, the characteristics of the black and black plasters were not obvious, and no ascostic shells were formed, but the stem bases and roots became dark brown with white spikes. "Black feet" and "white spikes" are unique symptoms of the adult plant. (3) Control methods. Agricultural control: Strengthen the quarantine of plants, and it is forbidden to plant seeds from the ward, prevent the introduction of diseases, and protect the disease-free areas. Incidence fields must be collected and singles must be collected. Wheat harvested is strictly prohibited, and wheat stalks and wheat stubble can not be returned directly to the field. It is better to harvest the sorghum and then remove the diseased roots and incinerate them to minimize the source of bacteria. In severe disease plots, crop rotations can be implemented, and wheat crops, wheat cotton and other crop rotations can be implemented to cut off the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the pit and control the development of the disease. To apply ripe organic fertilizer, increase phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, reasonably irrigated, timely rule out the field water after heavy rain. Chemical control: Seed treatment, with 10g per 100kg of wheat seeds used biological preparations "Enecrosol" (main component is Bacillus fluorescens) 50g seed dressing. When dressing seeds, soak the wheat seeds first, stir the ingredients evenly, and sow the seeds after drying. In severe plots, increase the dosage. Or every 10kg of wheat seeds with 2.5% Shiloh suspension seed coating agent 10 ~ 20g for coating. Can also be used 12.5% ​​pod fruit Lee (ennoconazole) wettable powder, or 2% rickets (tebuconazole) wettable powder dressing. When dressing or coating, it is necessary to strictly control the dosage so as not to affect the seedling emergence. Datian control, according to the test, in the sowing period using the "Enemy" seed dressing on the basis of the wheat returning green jointing period, every 667 square meters with "Erosion" 170g 50kg water irrigation roots, the effect is better. When irrigating the roots, it is possible to use a worker-peasant-16 type sprayer to remove the sprinkler heads with a gauze pack and apply a small air flow to the roots along the ridge. With 20% triadimefon EC per 100ml/667sqm, water 50kg per root, there is also a certain control effect. 4. Wheat stem smut (1) Harmful symptoms. When the wheat grows to about 3cm high, symptoms can appear. In the stems, leaf sheaths, leaves, etc., some of the striped spores that are parallel to the veins appear, and the spores rise slightly, initially white, and later become gray to black. When the diseased tissue is mature, the spores are longitudinally disintegrated and black powder is emitted, ie, teliospores. Diseased plants often dwarf, deformed or curled, most diseased plants can not heading, curled in the sheath, or pull out the deformed ear, flowers without real, or only pods. Sick plants have more tillers, and when the sowing density is relatively thin, there are sometimes more than 100 ineffective deliveries. (2) the characteristics of the disease. The wheat stalk black powder winter spore masses are mainly transmitted through soil, manure and seeds. The infection mode of the bacteria is the infection of the seedling system. When the teliospores germinate, the hyphae invade the wheat sprouts and reach the point of growth. The occurrence of wheat smut is related to the soil temperature during wheat germination. In general, the soil temperature can be infected between 9 and 26°C, but the soil temperature is about 20°C. In addition, the morbidity rate is also related to the soil moisture content. Generally, the incidence of dry land is higher than that of land with high humidity. (3) Control methods. Use resistant varieties. Pharmaceutics treatment seeds, Triconazole seed dressing. 50kg seeds per 667m2 were used, and 75% Versicolor 150g or 100% Versicolor 100g was used for seed dressing. 40% seed dressing double seed dressing 2%, this is limited to the spring wheat area, winter wheat area can easily cause injury. 5. Wheat rust (1) Harmful symptoms. Stripe rust mainly damages wheat leaves, and electricity can harm leaf sheaths, stems, and panicles. The summer spores are arranged in a dashed line on the leaves, bright yellow, small spores, and long ovals, and the powdery spores are scattered after the spore stack breaks. Leaf rust is mainly harmful to the leaves, and rare on leaf sheaths and stems. The summer spores are scattered on the leaves, orange-red, spores are of medium size, round to oblong, summer spores generally do not penetrate the leaves, occasionally penetrate the leaves, The backside of the summer spores is also smaller. Stem rust mainly harms stems and leaf sheaths and can also harm the panicles. The summer spores are arranged in an irregular, dark brown, spore mass, and long oval shape. The ability of the summer spore stack to penetrate the leaves is strong. Spore piles can appear on the front and back faces of the same infestation site, and the spore stack on the back of the leaves is larger. (2) Control methods. Agricultural control: Planting disease-resistant varieties according to local conditions is the basic measure for preventing and treating wheat rust. After the wheat is harvested, it can be ploughed and ploughed in time to eliminate the self-producing wheat seedlings and reduce the source of the bacteria in the summer. Do a good job in the rational distribution of disease-resistant species in the region and cut off the transmission route of the bacteria source. Chemical control: For the plot where the autumn seedlings are severely affected every year, use 15% triadimefon wettable powder 60-100g or 12.5% ​​speed-poly wettable powder 60g seed dressing per 50kg seed. Be sure to dry mix thoroughly and stir evenly, strictly control the amount of drug, slightly affect the emergence of seedlings. In Daejeon, disease centers were found in the fields in autumn and early spring, and spraying control was conducted in time. If the diseased leaf rate reaches 5% and the severity is below 10%, use 15% triadimefon 50g or 20% Triadimefon per 667m2 for 40ml per 667m2, or 25% triadimefon per 667m2 per 667m2. Use 30g, or 12.5% ​​speed Baoli WP to 15 ~ 30g per 667 square meters, spray 50 ~ 70kg of water, or low-volume spray 10 ~ 15kg of water. In disease epidemic years, if the diseased leaf rate is above 25% and the severity exceeds 10%, the dosage should be increased. According to the severity of the disease, spray with 2 to 4 times the above dosage.
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