About the principle of the tumbler
About the principle of tumbler rolling 1. Put the meat that has been injected with salt water (including phosphate and other auxiliary materials) into the tumbler. When the machine runs at full speed, the meat pieces roll in the belly of the machine. Some of the meat is lifted by the baffle belt, and then free fall. , colliding with the lower meat pieces. Since the rotation is continuous, each piece of meat has the opportunity to flip itself, rub each other and collide with each other. In this way, the original stiff meat pieces can be softened, the muscle tissue is relaxed, the salt water is easily penetrated and spread, the meat color is uniform, and at the same time, the mixing effect is exerted. Due to continuous rolling and mutual squeezing, the protein in the muscle and the unabsorbed salt water can be combined into a colloidal substance. Once heated, the part of the protein is first solidified, preventing the juice from leaking and escaping inside, thereby improving the water retention of the product. Sex, keeps the meat fresh and tender, and also increases the yield. In addition, the extraction of salt-soluble protein increases the adhesion and slicing of the product and improves the quality of the product. 2. Ambient temperature: Generally, the ambient temperature of the rolling should be 0-4 °C, because at this temperature, the growth and reproduction of various microorganisms can be minimized. According to relevant research data, when the meat is rolled at 8 ° C or higher, the binding force, yield and slicing of the product will be significantly reduced, but the ambient temperature of the rolling is not suitable. Although the meat filling can shorten the rolling time, reduce the production cost and obtain better color development in a warmer environment, considering the intrinsic quality, shelf life and safety of the product, the ambient temperature of the rolling should be 0. -4 ° C is more suitable. 3. Speed ​​and direction: The rolling speed controls the falling ability of the meat in the tumbler. According to different types of products, it is generally controlled at 8--12r/min. In addition, the tumbler should gently push, massage, lift and drop the meat to achieve a better rolling effect. The operation of the tumbler should not be carried out continuously. The general method is to adopt the process of intermittent rolling, which allows the equipment to run for a period of time, then stop for a period of time, and repeatedly run like this (in the middle, let the meat "rest") until the expected rollingæ‰ effect. If the equipment has a reversal function, it can also be carried out by a positive-reverse-stop intermittent rolling process, mainly to avoid the rise of meat temperature caused by friction, and also to make the structure of the meat less susceptible to damage. 4. Vacuum: Vacuum is one of the most important functions of the tumbler. The advantage of using a vacuum roll in a meat product is that the air between the meat material and its exudate can be discharged by vacuuming, so that thermal expansion does not occur in the subsequent hot working to destroy the structure of the product. Vacuum tumbling also helps to improve the appearance of the cured meat products. The oxidation reaction during the curing of the meat product is extremely detrimental to the appearance color of the product. The use of vacuum tumbler does not occur in long-term continuous production. The vacuum ensures that the brine quickly penetrates into the meat mass and also helps to remove the pores in the meat mass, and the vacuum expands the meat mass to increase tenderness. However, the degree of vacuum should not be too high, otherwise the moisture in the meat pieces can be easily extracted under high vacuum, which affects the quality of the meat. Generally, the degree of vacuum can be -0.07 to -0.08 Mpa.