The habit of squid
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Hyaluronic Acid Fillers can easily remove your facial wrinkles, such as wrinkles between the eyebrows, annoying nasolabial folds. Dermal Filler Dermal Filler,Face Fillers,Ha Dermal Filler,Ha Dermal Filler Injectable Auro Technology Limited , 1. Species and Morphological Characteristics Carp is subordinate to Taxus-shaped, Fish-mined, and Carp in taxonomy. There are 7 species in this genus, of which common carp (Cyprinus carpio), big-eyed pupae, and canthaphos are common. .
In the process of carp culture, the Cyprinus and big eyelid are easily confused, and the big eyelid is often cultivated as an aphid, which reduces the economic benefit of the farmer. The main difference between the big eyelid eyelid and the big mouth eyelid is: Large eyelids have larger eyes, the posterior edge of the maxillary posterior eyelid does not reach, oblique brown stripes do not reach the snout end, and there is not a wide brown patch on both sides of the body. The body axis is vertical. The mouth of the mouth was smaller, from the maxillary end to the posterior edge of the eye, oblique brown stripes passed from the snout through the eye to the base of the dorsal fin, and a broad brown stripe on both sides of the body was perpendicular to the body axis.
2, ecological habits
(1) Living habits The squid is a bottom-dwelling fish and lives in rivers, lakes and reservoirs where there is a constant flow of water and water, and there are many shallow lakes rich in water and grass. During the daytime, it is usually lurking in the bottom of the water. At night, there are activities for food, there are holes for habits, and people do not like to live in groups. The suitable water temperature for living is 15-32°C. When the water temperature is 7°C or less, there is little activity and feeding.
In pond culture, squid are often lying on the water bottom and hidden in shallower holes. Therefore, when the pond where the main eel is raised is caught by a net, it is necessary to pay attention to pulling the first net after a period of time, until the pool is level and the mackerel goes out of the nest and then pulls the second net to increase the rate of catching the net.
(2) The dietary eel is a typical carnivorous fish that feeds on small fish and shrimp for life. Freshly hatched carp seedlings can prey on other fry, and 0.7 centimetres in length can catch other fish of 0.35 centimetres in length. Carp 31 centimetres in length can catch 15 centimetres in length. Mackerel has a large amount of food and usually eats 10-15% of its own weight when it is full. In the process of breeding squid, there is a certain degree of selectivity in the feeding of bait fish, that is, squid is the main stage of fish fry, squid and mackerel are the main species, and the fish stage is mainly accessible and palatable. Basically, I use small squid, small loach, squid, etc. as bait fish for squid.
(3) Growing squid grows slowly in rivers. In the Yangtze River basin, it is determined that the average body length of the first-instar fish is 17.5 cm and the body weight is 119 g; the 2nd-instar fish is 23.6 cm and 300 g; the 3rd instar fish is 32.8 cm, 812 g; 4th-instar fish 42.5 cm, 1526 g. The speed of growth is greatly accelerated under artificial breeding conditions, when the eel fry were cultured in ponds or cages up to commercial specifications, which is equivalent to the body weight of 2-3 years old natural carp grown in large water surface. In the same artificial rearing conditions, the growth rate of E. sinensis was fastest, followed by large-eyes.
(4) Breeding habits The mid-May to August each year is the reproductive season for salmon, June is the rich season, and the suitable water temperature is 22-30°C. The eggs produced by salmon are floating eggs that can adhere to aquatic plants. Males are mature in one winter and mature in females in the second winter. They are of multiple spawning types.
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