Diagnosis and Treatment of Trichotillomania in Rabbits
First, the clinical symptoms of rabbit hair removal occurred at the head, around the mouth and ears, and then infect the extremities, back and abdomen, etc., the affected area is characterized by rings, protrusions, with gray or yellow cicadas, after the crust peeling, presenting Small ulcers cause destruction of hair roots and hair follicles. Some secondary staphylococci or streptococcal infections cause hair follicle abscesses or death. Some appear to have rings on the skin, bald patches covered with pearl gray (glitter scales), and changes in skin inflammation. Hot Pot Seasoning,Fish Hot Pot Seasoning,Hot Pot Bottom Material,Hot Pot Soup Base Ningxia Ningyang Halal Food Co., Ltd. , https://www.ningyangfood.com
Second, laboratory tests for aseptic operations, take 75% alcohol to disinfect the lesions, scrape the skin and dander skin. The material was placed on a glass slide, a few drops of a 10% potassium hydroxide solution were added, and a cover glass was slightly heated on an alcohol lamp. After observation under a microscope, no sputum was found. Only fungal spores and mycelium were found. According to this diagnosis of fungal skin diseases.
This disease is an infectious disease caused by the infection of the skin surface and its accessory structure hair follicles and hair shafts by the fungus Trichoderma and Morinda. It is characterized by an irregular blocky or round hair removal of the rabbit's skin. Broken hair and skin inflammation. All breeds of rabbits can infect, directly affect the growth and quality of fur after onset, and harm the health of rabbits, thus seriously affecting the economic benefits of raising rabbits. Humans can also infect this disease and are therefore an important zoonoses.
Third, the prevention and treatment of rabbit cages, rabbits to maintain ventilation, dry, bright, regular rabbithouse, rabbit cage disinfection health work, strengthen feeding management, prohibit the purchase of rabbits from the epidemic area, to keep the rabbithouse clean. Rabbits were found to be immediately isolated or eliminated.
Treatment: The disease department cuts the hair, rinses with the soap or disinfectant syrup, softens the suede, removes the suede, smears 7-10 days, also may use the LOC to smear seven days. Systemic treatment can be oral nystatin, 100,000 units per kilogram of body weight, once a day, and even served 10-15 days. In order to prevent secondary infections, Baoshu Tenenoxin (mainly composed of ciprofloxacin, etc.) was added to the feed and the rabbits recovered quickly by adopting the above comprehensive prevention and control measures.
Fourth, summary
1. The disease is mainly spread through healthy rabbits and diseased rabbits, and spreads by grasping, licking, sucking milk and mating. It can also be indirectly transmitted through various appliances. Humid, rainy and dirty environmental conditions, rabbithouses and rabbit cages are poorly sanitized, can promote rabbithouse cleanliness, and find that the rabbits are isolated and treated immediately or eliminated to prevent the occurrence and prevalence of this disease.
2. This disease and rabbit rickets have similarities in clinical symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis, and after diagnosis through laboratory tests, symptomatic medication can achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects.
3, because this disease is a zoonotic disease, feeding and management personnel should pay attention to personal protection and prevent infection.
4, rabbits in the feed to add rabbit rabbit premix of the disease on the low incidence, have a better preventive effect.