Stripping and initial processing of fox
(a) peeling time? The fur peeling time is carried out after the fur has matured. The acacia was usually in the period from November to December of that year, or after the heavy snowfall of the year. The Arctic fox can reach full maturity before December, when the best skin can be obtained. The appearance of plush mature appearance is that the whole body has long plush hair, thick fur and long hair, full hairiness, luster, flexibility and fluffy tail hair. ?? (b) Method of fox skin exploitation? According to international and domestic market requirements, fox skin is a complete skin of the ear, nose, tail, and limbs, so it cannot be directly slaughtered with a knife during slaughter, and the skin must be obtained without destroying the skin. ? 1. Executed? Slaughter methods can be killed by clubbing, heart-injected air, anesthesia, electric shock, chemical drug poisoning, and bar-throwing. In principle, it is necessary to swiftly put them to death and they must not be contaminated with fleece. They should be peeled hot and must not be stored for a long time. If they are stored for a long time, they will cause the fur to lose heat and affect the quality of the fur. In addition, the cold body Not easy to peel. ? 2. How to open? When slaughtering, the first is provocation, with a pick knife or scissors, from the lower limb elbow under the knife, along the long side of the dorsal mid-length short hair line, through the front edge of the anus to pick another elbow at the hindquarters, and then pick from the midline of the tail To the back of the anus, then open the skin on both sides of the anus. ? 3. Skinning? When peeling, insert the finger between the skin and flesh of the leg first, and then peel the buttocks first. When exfoliating the hind limbs and the tail, the coccyx and limbs are cut off and the foot pads and claws are kept on the skin. Then perform a tubular peeling from the rear arm to the head, peeling it, and sprinkle with sawdust or bran. When peeling into the urogenital organs, cut the urethra and remove it to the head to keep the ears, eyes, and nose intact. In these areas, use a knife to cut the skin and connect the meat. Peel off the lips and cut the upper and lower lips. Skin, so you can strip the entire skin. ?? (c) Initial processing of fox skin? The purpose of preliminary processing of fox skin is to make the fox skin easy to store for sale. Fresh skin peeled from the fox is often accompanied by oil, blood, and residual meat, all of which need to be scraped first to make it easier to dry. When the oil is scraped, the fox canister is put in a hose or a smooth, circular raft, to make it stretch naturally and the head is placed on the peeling table. The oil must be evenly applied, requiring the knife to be steady and the action to be light. The first time scraping oil, it is best to use a relatively blunt knife, from the tail to the direction of the head, scrape when the skin to flatten out, scraping edge sawing sawdust, and timely use sawdust to wipe the fur and hands to prevent grease pollution fox fur, do To scrape the subcutaneous fat and residual meat, etc., can scrape off the grease residue can be cut off with scissors. When scratching the mother fox's nipple and the female fox's genital hole, the force should be light to prevent scratching. After shaving the grease of the fox skin, wash the skin with sawdust or coarse bran. Wash the oil on the skin first until it reaches the level of non-stick sawdust or bran. Then turn the skin over to wash the coat. On the grease and other dirt, repeated armpit hair, smooth hair rubbing, combined with wooden whip, completely remove the oil on the slick and other objects. • Sawdust or bran used for washing must be sifted because excessively fine sawdust or bran is likely to stick to the skin or plush, affecting the quality of the fur. Then sawdust that can not use pine wood, because of its tree oil, affect the washing. Washed skins require upper jaws to maintain their shape in line with export requirements. The method of putting on the skin is to set the hairs toward the outside and put it on the tarpaulin plate. Put the ears straight, fix the head on the tarsal plate, and then stretch the skin evenly, stretch it and extend it naturally. The trailing edge is fixed on the sampan board with a thumbtack, and finally the tail is fixed as wide as possible. The skins of the topsoil boards must be immediately dried, and the drying methods should be based on local conditions. Natural drying, wind drying, etc. can be used. Drying methods can also be used, but the room temperature must not exceed 18 to 22°C. After 10 to 12 hours, when the skin is dry at 6 to 70%, the wool surface is pulled out again and turned into a skin plate toward the inside, and the hair is dried outwards, but it is strictly prohibited to bake it at a high temperature, and you must pay attention to turning the plate in time. Otherwise it will affect the appearance of the fur. When the water content of the skin reaches 13% to 15%, the lower jaw board, if the water content exceeds 15%, the fur is easy to mold when stored. Dry skin after diarrhoea should be hung in the room at 15 to 20°C, and then dry and dry to make the plush fluffy and shiny. After the next chin, the hides need to be further processed. First use sawdust or bran to rub the quilts, remove the contaminants, and then remove the sawdust by whipping. Then use a row of needles or a combing comb to stretch the tangled hair. Make it fluffy, flexible and beautiful. Finally, choose a wooden box or cardboard box with a certain shape, and put the leather flatly into the packaging for sale. Spicy Chilli Sauce,Beef Chili Sauce,Chicken Chili Sauce,Mushroom Chili Sauce Ningxia Ningyang Halal Food Co., Ltd. ,