How to prevent soil-borne diseases in greenhouse
There are many types of soil-borne diseases, such as the most common early blight, late blight, bacterial diseases, viral diseases, and damping-off diseases at seedling stage, blight, leaf spot, anthrax, powdery mildew, and gray Mildew, etc. are all soil-borne diseases. We can call these collectively soil-borne diseases. In the prevention and control of soil-borne diseases, we must pay attention to comprehensive prevention and control. First of all, it is necessary to do a good job of soil disinfection, to destroy the bacteria in the soil, to high temperature stuffy shed, this is a method of soil disinfection. In order to improve the bactericidal effect, I can give you a method that you can use to burn the soil before the high temperature stuffy shed. Plane the ground first, plan to make it no more than smash it, then sprinkle a piece of wheatgrass about a foot thick, and then it will be lit. After the wheatgrass fire, as long as it does not take an open flame, the grass is still red. When the grass is immediately overturned, the soil temperature can reach 90 degrees. This will not only eliminate the bacterial diseases, fungal diseases, and viral diseases in the soil, but also Root knot nematodes are basically killed. After the soil is disinfected, it is also necessary to pay attention when planting it. One is fertilizer, and the other is fertilizer. Fertilizers must be fermented in advance. The method of fermentation is to use biological bacterial fertilizers, that is, after the biological bacteria are bought back and put in the fertilizer, they are fermented and used as biological bacterial fertilizer so that the beneficial bacteria in the biological bacterial fertilizer can inhibit and kill the soil. The harmful bacteria minimize soil-borne diseases. In addition, Tianda Hymexazol + Tianda 2116 Zhuangmiaoling is known in the agricultural community as a clinical emergency medicine for crop diseases, physiological diseases, frost damage, and severe dysentery disorders. Treatment of physical disorders soil-transmitted diseases, Tianda 2116 + hymexazol most effective. Tree Irrigation Bags,Tree Tube Shelters,Tree Watering Ring,Plastic Mesh Tree Guards Eastony Industries (NingBo) Co., LTD. ,