Do not feed cows with raw bean foam
Feeding cattle in winter is mostly harder hay. Cows should drink plenty of water to make the forage soften. However, in cold winter days, the cattle work less, sweat less, do not want to drink more water, so some cattle farmers often use soybeans milled into beans, mixed with water or mixed with water for cows to drink, resulting in diarrhea, not only Not conducive to digestion, but also affect the normal growth and milk production of dairy cows, calves drinking toxic gastroenteritis will occur rapidly, there is the possibility of death. Although soybean contains a large amount of protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, and other nutrients essential for growth and development of bovine, it contains protease inhibitors, cyanocyanin, thyrotropin, blood team. Lectins, etc., can cause cow poisoning, causing diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. The toxic substances in raw bean foam must be boiled (100°C) to reduce or eliminate them. After detoxified beans are fed to the cow, good results can be obtained. The specific method is: Soak soybeans or soya cakes with water, grind it into foam (juice), add a small amount of salt after boiling, drink it after waiting for temperature. The amount of beans and salt, depending on the size of the bovine body and the amount of concentrate stored, medium-sized cows usually use 100-200 grams of soybeans a day, 30-40 grams of salt, daily in the morning, afternoon and evening drink three times. Cynomorium Songaricum,Cynomorium Songaricum Root,Boutique Cynomorium Songaricum ,Cynomorium Songaricum Bagged Lixian Spring Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,