Precocious Fresh Jujube Variety——Yiantan No.1
Apple's disease caused pear rust on pear trees. In the past, the disease only harmed pear trees. Now, with the changes in the structure of China's fruit industry, the number of pear orchards has gradually decreased, the apple orchards have gradually expanded, and the greening tree species on both sides have been renewed and developed. As a result, there have been more and more host plants of the disease, and in recent years, apple orchards have become more common. Caused great harm. The date of "Honeypot No. 1" was approved by the Forest Variety Approval Committee of Shaanxi Province in March 2008. Characteristic characteristics In the Daxie County, Shaanxi Province, honeypot sprouted on April 1st in early April, began to bloom in mid-May, flourished from the end of May to early June, and began to mature in early August, and was harvested from mid-August to early September. The fruit growth period is 85-90 days, and the deciduous period is in early November. The annual growth period is 210 days. The species has a moderate tree vigor, strong dryness, and a semi-open tree posture. The canopy has a round natural shape. Acupuncture is not developed and gradually falls off. The leaves are small, lanceolate, thick, dark green, shiny. Medium flowers, buds flat and cracked during the day. The fruit is large and oblong, with a longitudinal diameter of 2.83 cm and a horizontal diameter of 2.52 cm. The average weight of 8.4 grams, the largest fruit weight 25 grams, the size of a more neat. The fruit surface is uneven and there is a bulge. Peel thin, bright red, shiny. The fruit is small, round and dense. The flesh has a greenish white color, crisp texture, denser, and more sap, soluble solids content of 26% to 32%, edible rate of 96.5%, sweet and savory, quality on the extreme, fresh food quality can be comparable to the "winter jujube." The nucleus is large and shortly obovate, with an average weight of 0.294 g. This species is highly adaptable, resistant to barren, and requires less strict soil quality. The ability to set fruit on the branches of the year is strong, and no ring cutting or girdling is required during the flowering period. Extreme resistance to fruit disease and anthracnose, compared with anti-crack fruit, the degree of fruit cracking in rain is lighter than “Zhanhua Dongzao†and “Lizaoâ€, and it can be avoided in the rainy season due to maturity in general years. With strong early fruiting, high yield, stable yield, and easy management, it can be cultivated in different varieties of mature crops in the fresh jujube producing areas in the south and north of China. Cultivation techniques The tree vigor is moderate and suitable for dwarf close planting. Where the water and fertilizer conditions are good, a spacing of 2 meters and 3 meters can be used. Where the water and fertilizer conditions are poor, a spacing of 3 meters and 4 meters can be used. In the dense plantation garden, the shape of a happy-shape and spindle should be adopted, and in the sparse plantation, an evacuation layered shape should be adopted. Fruit trees avoid heavy cuts year after year. In the prevention and treatment of germination before and after germination, green blister can be sprayed before germination 3 ~ 5 Baume degrees of lime sulfur, but also in the bud and bud expansion phase of spraying 10% imidacloprid WP ~ 1500 ~ 2500 times + 4.5% Beta-cypermethrin EC 1000 to 2000 times (For coloring, see Figure 1 on page 81). Hydrolyzed Sponge White Powder Sponge Chengdu Sino Tech company ,