Sweet corn diseases and weeds and weed control
Sweet corn has high sugar content and pests and diseases are more serious. Diseases with large, small leaf spot, and sheath blight are more common. In addition to the selection of disease-resistant varieties, Weifu pesticide dressing (300 ml of pesticide plus 100 kg of water) can effectively prevent and delay the occurrence of disease. Seedling insect pests include cockroaches and armyworms, which can be used to water the soil with 1200-l500-fold insecticidal double or 1200-1500-fold dipterex, or to prevent and control them with Miller-mixed Sassafras strains. In the middle and late stages of growth, corn borers, armyworms, and aphids are severely harmed, and BT emulsions, trichlorfon, and insecticidal doubles can be used for prevention and treatment. However, attention should be paid to the use period and dosage so as to avoid pesticide contamination of the barley. Sweet corn grows mainly in high temperature and rainy season. Weeding is a non-negligible measure. Chemical weedicides Atrazine and cable are commonly used for weeding. The method is to use 40% atrazine 100g per acre and 150ml of pull rope 150ml, when used 30kg to 50kg of water, hand spraying after sowing the soil, spray the soil should be good soil moisture to ensure efficacy The play. Rushan Jinguo Food Co., Ltd , https://www.jinguofood.cn