Peach trees in the sapling and early fruit period, the upper part of the crown is prone to strong Wang branch. If these branches are removed from the base during winter pruning, it will not only cause empty viscera, but also stimulate the sprouting of the buds near the wound to form special branches. If only strong shoots are removed, it will disturb the tree potential and affect the growth of the middle and lower branches. The specific solution is: first remove the strong shoots in the strong Wangzhi group, and use a pruning shear or a hand saw to cut or saw at the base of the stick group. The depth is the degree of hand movement of the stick group. In the opposite direction of the fracture, push the stick group to a larger space. In order to prevent the shoots from healing after the rebound, affect the pruning effect, a short section of branches can be placed in the fracture. After treatment, the strong Wangzhi group is generally not long and will not die. It can not only make full use of the results, but also help ease and stabilize the tree potential. China Agricultural Network Editor