Identification and Control of Mulberry Bud Blight
Mulberry bud disease occurred in the mulberry field in the local silkworm area of ​​Longyang District. The disease is a dry fungal disease of mulberry branches. It mainly affects winter buds and often leads to the drying of branches and even stems, which has a great influence on tree growth. 1. Identify Mulberry bud disease occurs in the vicinity of the winter buds on the shoots, and dark brown, oily, diamond-shaped, or elliptical lesions around the winter buds occur. The bark of the lesions is dried and wrinkled, and small orange-red particles appear on the lesions around the winter buds. Annular arrangement, so that winter buds can not germinate. If the condition continues to develop, multiple lesions connect to each other around the branches for a week, and the branches above the lesions die. 2. Incidence conditions and transmission rules The pathogen of mulberry blight is the wintering of mycelium in shoots. The temperature of mycelia grows to 20-25°C. Conidia are formed in early spring and the outer skin is exposed outside in 3-4 months. The conidia produce wind and rain. Spreading, reinfesting multiple times, producing ascospora shells in summer, releasing from ascospore maturation in 8-10 months, invading from mulberry branches and wintering in mycelial state. The disease is likely to occur in mulberry fields with over-collection of leaves and partial nitrogen fertilization in autumn. The mulberry trees with low mulberry freeze, low-lying mulberry, dense mulberry trees, dense interplanting, and more pests are more susceptible to epidemic disease. Under the same conditions, young mulberry trees are more susceptible to disease than young mulberry trees. 3. Control measures (1) Autumn and winter prevention In late autumn, 50% thiophanate-methyl 500-1000 times solution was applied to the tree body. After the winter mulberry dormancy, the garden was cleared promptly. After pruning the mulberry trees, they were sprayed with Baume 4-5 lime sulfur solution. (2) Early Spring Drug Control In the spring, the diseased mulberry garden was fully sprayed with 1% copper sulphate solution for 1 time. After 7 days, the diseased branches were cut and the second time was applied. Prevent re-dipping, reduce the development of the spring condition. (3) cut off the incidence of sticks The mulberry plants were slightly susceptible to disease. The diseased branches were cut from 6 cm below the diseased part, and the mulberry trees that were severely diseased were cut off to the trunk. The diseased mulberry garden must be spring-cut, leaving no seals. Cuts of mulberry shears were sterilized with 1% copper sulfate solution. The cut sick branches are collected and burned in time and must not be left in the mulberry garden. (4) Strengthen Mulberry Management Mulberry fertilization should be combined with N, P and K fertilizers, organic fertilizer and P and K fertilizers should be added appropriately to avoid partial application and over-application of nitrogen fertilizer, and special fertilizer for mulberry should be promoted. Autumn fertilizer can not be used too late, so as not to cause the post-Autumn Festival and reduce the ability to resist cold. Strengthen pest control, reduce mulberry wounds, and avoid pathogen invasion. Reasonably collect leaves to prevent torn mulberry mulberry leaves, and leave 5-8 pieces of leaves on the shoots at the end of the autumn silk in order to continue photosynthesis, accumulate nutrients, enrich mulberry branches, and enhance antifreeze and disease resistance. Solvent Printing Reflective Sheeting
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