Thumb valgus overview article
Hallux valgus commonly known as "big bones", divided into physiological hallux valgus and hallux valgus deformity, general physiological hallux valgus does not need plastic surgery, hallux valgus is actually a combination of humerus varus and thumb valgus triangle Malformation is generally indicated by the hallux valgus angle and the inversion angle. However, the hallux valgus angle refers to the angle between the central axis of the phalanges and the axis of the tibia, not the anatomical standard of the human midline, which results in angular errors. It is easy to make a diagnosis. In fact, although some experts believe that shoe squeezing is one of the causes of hallux valgus, most hallux valgus deformities are indeed manifestations of humerus varus, which is also the view of the mainstream school. It is related to heredity. From a technical perspective, the structural factors of hallux valgus are: the inclination angle of the humeral joint increases, the angle of inclination of the humerus increases, the angle of inclination of the base of the phalanx increases, the distal phalanx deformity of the phalanx, and the transverse ligaments of the arch are relaxed. Extensor tendon adductor muscle contracture and so on. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the relevant reasons before surgery as far as possible, in order to provide a scientific basis for the development of correction programs. The traditional hallux valgus correction has more than 130 methods: but there are large incisions, large injuries, pain, need to be hospitalized, slow recovery is its technical shortcomings, minimally invasive hallux valgus orthopedic and traditional methods of the same principle. However, it has little injury, little pain, quick recovery, and generally does not require hospitalization. It has obvious technical advantages. European and American countries respect minimally invasive methods. Director Yang's research and development patent hole correction hallux valgus technology is simple and practical, in line with the minimally invasive principle, the effect is good. A precise control of LCD cell gap containing liquid crystal is critical to achieving the best display performance. Spherical particles used to control the thickness of the liquid crystal layer must meet stringent requirements such as precise particle size, tight particle size distribution, suitable hardness, and excellent resistance against heat, cold and chemicals. Silica Spacer,Lcd Spacer,Control The Thickness Of Lcd Suzhou Nanomicro Technology Co., Ltd. ,