Rex rabbit, also known as the Lex rabbit, is a skin rabbit, its fur is short, fine, dense, flat, beautiful, and prison. The main biological characteristics of Rex rabbits are basically the same as those of ordinary rabbits, but there are differences in feeding and management. Kind of male rabbit feeding and management 1, single cage feeding. The male rabbits must be raised in a single cage and far away from the female rabbit to ensure that they can rest quietly. 2, deploy a good feed. The content of protein and vitamins in the feed before and during the breeding period is higher, together with other nutrients, but the standard can be reduced during the off-season to prevent the rabbit body from becoming over-fat. 3, strengthen sports. Rabbits should be allowed to move outside the house 1-2 times a week and the male rabbits should be allowed to enjoy the sun regularly. 4, control the number of breeding. Strong male rabbits can be bred once a day, and they can be bred for 1 day after 3 days of continuous breeding. Common male rabbits can be bred once every 1 day. Breeding female breeding and management 1, empty period management. The female rabbits are mainly fed with green roughage and are fed with less concentrate in order to prevent the female rabbit from growing too fat. 2, the management of pregnancy. From the 5th day of conception, the female rabbit should be fed a feed with a high protein content, such as soybean cake, fish meal, etc., supplemented with an appropriate amount of salt. 3 days before delivery, reduce the fine material properly and feed high-quality green fodder. The female rabbit should pay attention to the observation before the child is born. When the female rabbit is found as a nest, it should be promptly sent to a litter box with clean soft hay, cotton or chicken, duck and goose feathers. The litter box should be darker. 3, breastfeeding management. The female rabbits are lactating within 30 days after their farrowing. The crude protein content of the lactating female rabbit feed should be up to 17%. Soybean cake, corn flour and other concentrates can be added and fed to the lactating female rabbits with high-quality green and blue juicy feed and enough clean drinking water to ensure the health of the female rabbits. Sufficient milk is provided for the bunnies. In order to prevent mastitis in the female rabbits, the littered long-acting sulfathiazole and baking soda should be placed in the feed for the female rabbits after farrowing. During the entire lactation of the female rabbit, the breeder should pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the farrowing box to keep the box dry and the utensils clean and hygienic. Feeding and management of young and young rabbits 1. Management of sleeping periods. Rex rabbits are born to sleep on the 12th day, and the temperature in the litter of rabbits should be kept at 28-30°C during this period. If you find that the young rabbit is brought out of the nest by the female rabbit due to hanging milk, you should immediately take the following measures to rescue it: If the rabbit is taken out of the nest for a short period of time and it is slightly cold, the rabbit can be warmed into the bosom and warmed up. After being put into the nest: if the rabbit is brought out of the nest for a long time, the rabbit body is cold and cold, immediately put the puppies into hot water at 40°C so that the mouth and nose are exposed to the water for about 10 minutes. After the rabbits resuscitated, they were wiped and sent to the nest. In addition, the farrowing box should be kept tight so as not to injure the pups. 2, after the opening of the management. Generally, 12 days after birth, the young rabbits have their eyes open, 15 days out of their nests, and 18 days of feeding. The feed should be rich in nutrient-rich, easily digestible feeds such as soybean milk, tofu, carrots, fresh green grass, and green vegetables. The green material should be cleaned before feeding. After drying the surface moisture, it is cut into filaments and fed to the rabbits. After 3-5 days of replenishment with green material, feeds such as bran, cornmeal, and bean cake are gradually added. However, these must be fed with hot water and then fed to puppies. Appropriate additives and antibiotics are added to the feed to prevent diseases.