1. The atmospheric environmental quality of the strict selection of parks for tea gardens should meet the requirements of the first-level standards stipulated in GB3095-1996; the quality of the irrigation water in the ground should meet the requirements for dryland irrigation water quality specified in GB5084-1992; The soil environmental quality should meet the Class I soil environmental quality stipulated in GB15618-1995. The limits (mg/kg) of the main pollutants are: cadmium (cd) ≤ 0.20, mercury (Hg) ≤ 0.15, arsenic (As) ≤ 15, copper (Cu) ≤ 50, lead (Pb) ≤ 35, chromium (Cr) ≤ 90. Tea garden soil should be deep, effective soil layer is more than 80cm, nutrient content is rich and balanced, organic matter content in 0-45cm soil layer must not be less than 15g/kg, effective nitrogen content should not be less than 120mg/kg, effective potassium content should not be less than 100mg /kg, the available phosphorus content must not be less than 20mg/kg, choose the species with good adaptability and pest resistance, and disable the seeds and seedlings produced by the genetic improvement project. Second, the tea garden supporting management to actively protect and use natural enemies, the use of agricultural control and biological control measures to improve the tea garden ecological environment. Elimination of the use of chemical pesticides, the use of plant and mineral sources of pesticides to control pests and diseases. Maintain or increase soil organic matter content, soil biological activity and increase soil fertility. Improve the growth of tea trees by improving the water, fertilizer, gas and heat conditions of the soil. Tea garden fertilization must be organic fertilizer allowed to use the production of tea, mainly farm fertilizers, commodity organic fertilizers, humic acid fertilizers, microbial fertilizers, organic compound fertilizers, inorganic (mineral) fertilizers. Third, to prevent pollution in the processing process strictly enforce the organic tea product processing, packaging technical regulations and national food hygiene and food processing standards; processing equipment and venues to maintain clean and tidy, often clean or disinfected, all the disinfectants must be non-polluting natural products . The entire processing process prevents harmful substances and harmful organisms from mixing into tea products through processing. Fourth, to strengthen storage and transportation management In strict accordance with the requirements of the National Food Hygiene Law to select the label and packaging materials of organic tea products, all packaging materials must be pollution-free; packaging materials must be food-grade packaging materials; tea products packaging materials should have preservation performance. In strict accordance with the requirements of organic tea products, storage and transportation shall be strictly carried out to prevent moldy and harmful organisms and harmful substances from mixing into tea products through storage and transportation.