Summer sowing peanuts are generally wheat ridge interplanting or harvesting after the harvest. In recent years, as the area of ​​mechanical harvesting of wheat has been expanding year by year, leaving high wheat stubble after machine harvest, if not timely cultivating, it will directly affect the lowering of peanuts. At the same time, summer sowing peanuts have poor ability to resist natural disasters such as drought, and the output is low. Summer sowing film peanut cultivation technology increased by 35.6% less than the film, a net increase of 106.2 yuan per 1/15 hectares. 1. Use fine varieties. Summer sowing film peanuts should use upright type, short maturation period of early-maturing varieties, such as Fenghua 1, 8130 and Haihua 1 and so on. 2. Add base fertilizer, fine soil preparation. Every 1/15 hectares of Shannon's manure 2 to 3 cubic meters, urea 20 kilograms, superphosphate 50 kilograms (or 40 kilograms of nitrophosphates), 20 kilograms of potassium chloride, deep plowing 20 to 25 centimeters, compacting evenly. 3. Ridge planting, close planting. Peanut mulch generally 90 centimeters along the ridge, ridge planting, ridge width 60 cm, leaving 30 cm ditch, 2 rows of peanuts per ridge, that is, wide and narrow row planting, width 60 cm, narrow row 30 cm, hole distance 15.5 to 17.5 In cm, 2 per hole, 8500 to 10,000 holes per 1/15 hectare. 4. Early sowing when grab, enough cover film. Foot cover film is the basis for seedlings, seedlings, seedlings, seedlings, seedlings and seedlings. It also can effectively exert herbicidal effects of herbicides under the membrane. In general, soil moisture content of 14% or more can be covered with plastic film. Can be used after the first sowing method of covering the film, that is, after the ridging of soil preparation (recruitment before the June 10 seeding), after spraying herbicide film. 5. Field management. (1) Wind and burn prevention. After the mulch is covered, a wind zone is horizontally pressed every 5 meters. Peanut sowing after 6 to 7 days, it is necessary to pay attention to membrane rupture to help the seedlings out of the film to prevent burning at high temperature. (2) Pest control. The main insect pests in summer sowing peanuts are aphids and red spiders, which can be combined with monitoring and spraying insecticides, such as omethoate, isocarbophos, and enemies. At the same time, 1000 times of carbendazim was sprayed to control leaf spot disease, 1 to 10 days of control, and 2 to 3 consecutive times. (3) prevent leggy. Due to the better growth conditions of mulching peanuts, it is prone to leggy. In order to prevent leggy, paclobutrazol wettable powder can be sprayed with 50 grams of water per 50 hectares per 1/15 hectares in order to control and promote the coordinated development of vegetative growth and reproductive growth. (4) Pay attention to watering. Peanut full flowering period is the most prosperous period of growth and development, but also the period of maximum growth of peanuts, if the weather is dry, small water can be poured, and conditions can be sprayed.