When the weather is fine, go to grasslands, hillsides, and forests for grazing. Let the sheep choose to eat good forages and leaves, especially eucalyptus leaves, which contain more lysine, which is very beneficial to the health of the sheep. When the weather is cold and the snow is covering, the sheep are to be fed. To select some fine dry grass, it is better to have silage. Also often fed with carrots, squash and other juicy tuber feed. Change a single sugar into compound feed. At the end of winter and early spring, farmers and specialized households often use corn or bran as supplementary feed to feed sheep. This results in poor feeding. Supplementing some compound feeds often doubles the effect. Its formula is: corn 10%, melon dry 10%, sorghum 8%, oil cakes (bean cake, cottonseed cake, peanut cake, etc.) 10%, bran 60%, bone powder l.5%, salt 0.5%. Modulation method: After crushing the above-mentioned various feeds, add water to mix it and allow it to adhere, and then put it in the sun to dry it, that is, it becomes an irregularly shaped and not very strong pellet compound feed.
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