Several agricultural measures to prevent early rice pests and diseases
First, salvage sclerotia Retrieving land head residue: Sheath blight and sclerotinia are mainly transmitted by the sclerotia of rice in the previous season. The sclerotium is overwintering in the soil or in the remaining tissues. The size and shape of the sclerotia are like radish seeds, large or small. When plowing rice fields, most of them float with the water and mix in the slag at the head of the slag, and then they adhere to the stems of the rice in the next season to attack and injure them and cause rice disease. Therefore, if the floating stalks of the top of the head are salvaged and buried or burned during ploughing, the bacteria can be greatly reduced. In addition, the gauze is installed at the inlet and outlet of each field to prevent the entry and exit of sclerotia between fields, which can greatly reduce Rhizoctonia, sclerotinia damage. Second, stacking After boring and removing larvae (commonly known as peanuts), it will not eat and move as if it were dead. It will not climb up or down, which means that it is fixed at this time. Its generalized areas are within 10cm from the mud in the muddy water, and 7-10 days from the pupal stage. Therefore, if deepwater is poured at this time, the water level exceeds the pile, or the tractor keeps the water layer after hitting the field. For more than 10 days, it can be immersed in it so that the source of insects can be greatly reduced. Usually, in the late March to early April of each year, field irrigated deep-water ploughs are used for deforestation. Third, the use of lime The application of lime can be sterilized and disinfected, calcium can be added, and acidity can be neutralized, and the soil and strong grain can also be improved. Method: Combined with the first overturned field can be used lime (preferably block ash) 100 pounds spread the field after the field. This method has an excellent effect on the continuous application of rice blast disease in the field for 2-3 years.
Keywords---Fish Curd, Side Dish, Sauce, Pot, Boil
Fish Curd, Side Dish(Dried Day Lily, Rice Noodle), Tomato Sauce
1. Add 500ml of water along with tomato sauce pouch into a pot to boil.
2. Add the side dish into the pot and wait for 2-3 minutes
3. Add the fish curd into the boiling soup until they float(1-2minutes). Then pour the soup and the fish curd into a bowl before serving
Vegan Tofu Fish,Vegan Fish Tofu,Fried Fish Tofu Recipe,Food Fish Tofu Guangzhou Luxe Seafood Enterprises Ltd. ,