Ingeniously kill fish pond pests

When fertilizing fish pond water quality, some aquatic pests also breed with it, such as pine algae, leeches, dragon fleas, matrimony and so on. They directly attack fish fingerlings or eat fish bait. Therefore, harmful insects in fish ponds must be killed.

Killing harmful insects in fish ponds often affects planktonic biomass in the pool water. Therefore, the harmful insects in the fish pond need to be killed. The method is calculated according to the water depth of 1 meter per acre pond, using diesel oil 50 milliliters or 80 milliliters of kerosene, peanut oil 60 milliliters, add 10 milliliters of enemy killing, after mixing, at the end of a small bamboo basket, tied with plastic foam or cloth, Drug, pumping mixture, drip along the edge of the pond. In pest-like habitats, such as pond corners and downtakes, sprinkle a few drops. Once every two days and then sprinkled once, the harmful insects can be basically killed without affecting the amount of plankton in the pool water.

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