Impatiens cultivation techniques in Africa
African Impatiens is widely used and can be grown in large quantities in nutritional bowls, pots, and baskets. At present, the African Impatiens cultivars on the market mainly include accent, Victoria Rose, Jedi storm, and some clouds. flowering 12 to 14 days after the start of flower bud differentiation; seeds 2 to 4 grow. Flowering habits African Impatiens is a plant in Japan, and flowering has nothing to do with its length. The flowering mechanism was not related to light intensity, and drought stress induced early flowering. Acupuncture Germination stage The following are the optimal conditions for the development of seedlings, from the start of seed sowing to the start of cotyledon development. The radicles are expected to grow from 2 days to 5 days after sowing. Seeds need to be covered with a thin layer of meteorites to moisturize. Substrate pH values ​​from 6.2 to 6.5 pH values ​​of less than 5.5 result in damage to the terminal buds and sodium poisoning; EC values ​​from 0.5 to 0.75. The seeds germinate in light, such as in dark-room cultures, with light intensity of 100 lux to 1000 lux. To ensure germination and reduce leggy. The moisture content was maintained at level 5 until the radicles were emitted; from day 3 to day 7 after sowing, the moisture content was reduced to level 4; from the 8th day to the 10th day, it was reduced to level 3; after the 11th day, the water content was further reduced to level 2. Until cotyledons unfold (water content divided: Level 1 is 0% to 20% Level 2 is 20% to 40% Level 3 is 40% to 60% Level 4 is 60% to 80% Level 5 is 80% to 100%). Do not allow the leaves to remain wet when the seedlings spend the night. Otherwise, the top of the plant will be aborted. Keep the air humidity at 100% until the radicle grows; then the humidity is reduced to 40% to 70%. Strengthen the ventilation, make the matrix water evaporate and become dry, ensure that the roots are breathable. The temperature is maintained between 22°C and 24°C. When it exceeds 25°C, it will cause heat shock of Impatiens seeds, thus inhibiting its germination. Below 21°C, it will reduce the speed and consistency of Impatiens germination; it is lower than 18°C. , It will cause abortion of the plant and abnormal leaves. The following are the optimal conditions for the vegetative growth of seedlings following the stage of full hole/flower bud differentiation. This phase starts with the development of the cotyledon. At this stage, the root system of the plant will extend to the edge of the hole, and the plant has completed the preparation for flower bud differentiation. The pH of the cultivation substrate is 6.2 to 6.5; an EC value of 0.75. If it is greater than 1.25, the top of the plant will be aborted. The total EC value of water and fertilizer should not exceed 1 to avoid deformation of the blade. Provides 25,000 lux of light. In areas with low light levels, supplementary lighting of 3,500-4,500 lux can be provided for two weeks in a row to promote vigorous and vigorous seedling rhizomes. However, in the early stage of acupuncture, if light is provided for more than two weeks, the leaves of the seedlings may be discolored or yellow (photooxidation). The temperature was maintained at 18°C ​​to 20°C until the first true leaf was formed, after which the temperature was lowered to 16°C to 18°C ​​to increase the color. Alternating the water content to make it between the 4th and the 2nd, that is to let the water content of the culture substrate reach the 2nd level, and then rise to the 4th level again. The humidity is maintained at 40% to 50%. From the 2nd to the 9th day from the beginning of this stage, the fertilizer is applied at a concentration of 25ppm to 50ppm of calcium-containing fertilizer (N-P ratio is 14-0-14 the same), and then applied 2 times. Up to 4 75 ppm to 100 ppm fertilizers containing potassium and calcium. Controlling the amount of fertilizer can keep seedlings compact and promote plant flowering. Avoid the application of phosphate fertilizer, otherwise it will lead to impatiens seedlings; and the addition of phosphoric acid in irrigation water will affect the quality of plug seedlings. The growth regulators that can be used in African Impatiens are Pyrex, Paclobutrazol, or Uniconazole, but excessive use of growth regulators can cause inverted cup-shaped malformations or distortion in immature leaves. By regulating moisture, light and fertilizer, plant growth can also be controlled. Compared with other species, Jedi storm has different tolerances for plant growth regulators, so it is recommended to use plant growth regulators during axillary culture; at the later stage, the growth of plants can be controlled through the regulation of water and fertilizer. Under conditions of high temperature and high humidity, the use of growth regulators has a color enhancing effect on the plants. Transplanting Transplanting preparation period is 4 weeks to 5 weeks after planting on 288 plates. Ending the axillary/flower bud differentiation phase The following are the optimal conditions for the vegetative growth phase. This stage begins with transplanting, at which stage the plant root system will extend to the edge of the pot and bud differentiation. The substrate pH is between 6.2 and 6.5 EC values ​​of 0.75 to 1. This stage requires shade. The night temperature is 16°C to 19°C, and the daytime is 21°C to 24°C. The average daytime temperature is 19°C. Alternately adjust the water content so that it is between level 4 and level 2, that is, let the water content first reach level 2, and then raise it to level 4. The humidity is maintained between 40% and 70%. Increase ventilation to allow the substrate to evaporate and become dry, ensuring that the roots are breathable. Two to three 75 ppm to 100 ppm calcium-containing fertilizers (13-2-13 or 14-4-14) were applied. Controlling the amount of fertilizer can make plants grow densely and promote plant flowering; over-fertilization can lead to plants that are too high, leaves too much, dark green leaves, flowering delays, or flowers under the leaves. Plant production regulators are used as described above. Post-harvest treatment period 1 week to 2 weeks before picking or transport. The use of growth regulators for foliar spray applications is from 2500 to 3000. Fertilizer concentration is 150ppm potassium nitrate fertilizer. Pythium rot, gray mold, tomato spot wilt virus, Alternaria alternata leaf spot, damp-blight disease, impatiens necrosis virus, and pseudomonad bacterial diseases are all susceptible to disease. It is recommended to use cyprodinil, which can control gray mold and blight; use of metalaxyl to prevent and cure root rot of pyomyosce; use of azoxystrobin to prevent Alternaria leaf spot and damping-off. Familiar pests include fly, thrips, aphids, and red spiders. The use of thiamethoxam (intramuscular use, disinfestation while cutting viral vectors), spinosad (indoor use), and ciprofloxacin are recommended. Medical Splash-proof Isolation Goggles Splash Proof Glasses,Splash Proof Goggles,Splash Proof Safety Glasses,Splash Proof Safety Goggles GUANGDONG JIANGMEN RONGHAI MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,