The best food and dietary principles for Liqiu
In health education, diet is very important. Then what adjustments do we need to make in the diet after the beginning of autumn? After the beginning of autumn, it is necessary to “add acid†to the diet in order to increase the function of the liver and resist the intrusion of lungs. The following foods are available: Apple: According to Chinese medicine, Apple has the functions of Sheng Jin, Runfei, Chufan, appetizers, sobering, etc. For those who are indigestive and have difficulty breathing, they can take juice. Modern medicine believes that apples can prevent and eliminate fatigue. Potassium in apples can be combined with excess sodium in the body and excreted from the body. When eating excessive salinity, you can eat apples to help eliminate, so eating apples or drinking apple juice is good for hypertensive patients. Grapes: Sweet, sour, fresh, sweet and sour, thirst, appetite and digestion, but the weak spleen and stomach should not eat more, eat more diarrhea. Carambola: It is sweet, sour, and flat. Its fruit can thirst. If you suffer from wind-heat cough in the fall, you can wash the starfruit fresh; if suffering from urine heat astringent, use fresh star fruit 2 to 3, wash and chop, smashed into juice, warm boiled water, on the second service; if suffering Sore throat, fresh raw carambola washed raw, 2 to 3 times a day, each time 1 to 2. However, this product more food to hurt the stomach, especially the plain spleen and stomach Deficiency should eat less. Three principles need to be followed in diet choices First of all, eating too greasy is not good for pregnant mothers Pregnant mothers, especially pregnant mothers who have just recently become pregnant, generally have poor appetites, and overly greasy foods can make pregnant mothers nausea. Even eating them can cause indigestion. And greasy food is easy to cause satiety, affect the eating of other foods, affect the full absorption of nutrients during pregnancy. In addition, pregnant mothers who eat too much oil can easily increase their weight and affect their health. Second, in the summer, the spleen and stomach are weak. In fact, it is not only that mothers who are pregnant should not be heavily fortified at the beginning of autumn, but ordinary people should also pay attention. In summer, the high temperature and high humidity environment can make people think about food, food is light, and the spleen and stomach are relatively weak. Suddenly tonic a large number of non-digestible meat, easy to increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, causing digestive disorders. At the same time, the climate is getting drier after the beginning of autumn, and pregnant mothers should eat more fruits and vegetables. After the beginning of autumn, the rain will decrease, people will feel the autumn and cool, but the climate will be more and more dry, and it is easier to get angry than summer. We know that many pregnant mothers cause constipation due to pregnancy, and dry weather also tends to aggravate constipation. In addition, the skin becomes dry and prone to stretch marks. Therefore, after the beginning of autumn should pay more attention to eating more fruits and vegetables, increase fiber and moisture, so at this time should not be based on meat-based, even if "patch autumn" should also pay attention to vegetarian nutrition. In addition, the humidity in the air in the fall is small and the skin is easy to dry. Therefore, attention should be paid to the intake of water and vitamins throughout the autumn. Grapefruit: sexual acid, cold, in addition to swelling, phlegm and cough, Jianweixiaoshi, swelling and pain, apply to stomach, indigestion, chronic cough, expectorant asthma and other embolism. Grapefruit is known for its richness in Vitamin C and is beneficial to people with cardiovascular diseases and obesity. The organic acids contained in grapefruit are mostly tannic acid, and tannic acid has the effect of eliminating human fatigue. Lemon: It is very sour. It has the functions of Shengjin, Thirsty, Qushu, and so on. Citric acid is the name for most organic acids contained in various fruits. Patients with high blood pressure and myocardial infarction often drink lemon beverages, which will greatly improve symptoms. Probiotics are a class of active microorganisms that are beneficial to the host by colonizing the human body and changing the composition of the flora in a certain part of the host. By regulating the immune function of the host mucosa and system or by regulating the balance of intestinal flora, promoting nutrient absorption and maintaining intestinal health, resulting in the production of single microorganisms or mixed microorganisms with well-defined composition that are beneficial to health. Probiotics,Probiotic Efficacy,Probiotic vitamins,Probiotic Health Supplements YT(Xi'an) Biochem Co., Ltd. ,