Summer drinking tips

Summer is hot, water loss in the body is fast, and replenishment is necessary. Many people like to drink frozen water to quench their thirst. In fact, this is unhealthy. So how do you drink water in the summer to be healthy? How much water should one drink in a day? Let's take a look together.


Drinking water is good for health

Water is the most important chemical component in the body. Generally, water accounts for about 60% of body weight. If the body is fat, about 70% of the water is lost after the weight has been removed. All systems in the body rely on water for metabolism. For example, water can push out toxins from important organs. With water, nutrients can be brought to every cell. If there is no water in the tissues of the ears, nose, throat, etc. Dry and lose functionality. Therefore, lack of water, the body organs can not maintain normal function, medically known as dehydration.

If you are active in a dry and hot environment, or you limit drinking water, as long as the weight is reduced by 1%-4% immediately, it is called mild dehydration and can affect the neuropsychiatric system. There is headache, inability to concentrate, fatigue, poor energy, and reaction. Insensitive and unable to complete tasks. At this time do not think of brain tumors to go for CT, MRI and other tests, should first consider whether mild dehydration, this can be their own treatment.

How much water should I drink each day?

Every day we breathe, sweat, urine, and defecation must drain water, so we must make up for this moisture. How much? As mentioned above, the answer is somewhat complicated. If the average healthy adult lives in comfortable temperatures, the U.S. Institute of Medicine will set about 3 liters for men and 2.2 liters for women. In the United States, the official daily water demand in 2011 was 3.7 liters for male adults and 2.8 liters for females.

The average weight of our country is lower than that of Americans, and the figure should be smaller than this. However, summer sweats more than this figure. Because the old man feels dull and often does not feel thirsty, so it is best to drink a little water every day, or eat more fruits, soup and other food.

Choose what water to drink

The above total amount of water includes water, beverages, and food. Drink reliable bottled water or boiled water. In addition, food also contains a lot of water, usually 20%. For example, in fruits and vegetables, more than 90% of watermelons and tomatoes are water. The vast majority of milk and fruit juice is also water. Tea, coffee drinks, soft drinks, and wine are also mainly water, but the latter should not be the main part of drinking water every day. The main drink every day should be water, because it does not contain calories, cheap and convenient.

How do you know that you don't have enough water

If you drink enough water, you will generally not feel thirsty, urinating about 1.5 liters per day, urine is colorless or very light yellow. If the urine is yellow or dark yellow, sometimes there will be a burning sensation when urinating, and you can rule out the jaundice, which means that your body is not enough water, you should first add water or ask a physician to diagnose.

In daily life, it is best to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water or other non-heat or low calorie beverages for each meal or meal; drink water before, during, and after physical activity. Especially in summer, the human body, especially the elderly and young children, should pay more attention to avoid water shortage.

How to drink salt water

Some people think that drinking light salt water is good for your health, so drinking light salt water in the morning is really wrong. Drinking light salt water is good for health, which is necessary to add moisture after sweating in the summer, but it is not beneficial for supplementing water in the morning, or it is a wrong practice to endanger health.

Physiological studies suggest that people do not drip during the night, but breathing, perspiration, and urinary tract are in progress. These physiological activities consume a lot of water. When you wake up in the morning, the blood has become concentrated. At this time, if you drink a certain amount of boiled water, you can quickly dilute the blood and correct hypertonic dehydration at night. Drinking salt water again will aggravate hyperosmolar dehydration, which will add to dry mouth. Moreover, the morning is the first peak in human blood pressure, drinking salt water will make blood pressure higher and harm health.

Can you drink water that you have stored for a long time?

After boiling water for a long time, nitrogen-containing organic matter will be continuously decomposed into nitrite. In particular, water stored for a long time is inevitably contaminated with bacteria. At this time, decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic matter is accelerated, and more nitrite is produced. After drinking such water, the combination of nitrite and hemoglobin will affect the oxygen transport function of the blood.

Therefore, in the thermos, the boiling water that has been boiled for several days or the water that has been boiled on the stove for a long time has changed its composition and cannot be drunk. You should drink boiled water for no more than 24 hours.

In addition, bottled, bottled purified water, mineral water should not be stored too long. Large bottles or barrels of pure water and mineral water should not be drunk for more than 3 days.

Cool drinking water in the summer can make the gastrointestinal mucous membranes suddenly encounter cold, so that the original open capillaries contract, causing gastrointestinal discomfort or even diarrhea. Excessive hot water enters the esophagus, which can easily damage the esophageal mucosa and induce esophageal cancer. Therefore, the temperature of drinking water in summer can neither be too hot nor too cold. The most suitable temperature is 10°C~30°C.

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