Grasping the winter management of strawberries

Strawberries are evergreen plants that are cultivated in most parts of Hebei Province. In winter, management measures such as protection against cold should be taken so that the plants can successfully pass winter. The specific method is as follows:

First, pouring enough water for wintering. When the temperature drops to 0°C and the soil appears to be in the night, it is poured into a sufficient amount of winter water to ensure that the soil is not arid.

Second, timely planning of loose soil. After watering, when the soil appears cracks, it should be promptly scooped up to increase the temperature, protect the wind, and protect the wind and roots.

Third, science coverage, cold insulation.

1. The choice of cover. In principle, coverings can be made on the spot, usually with loose and decomposing horse manure, cow dung, straw dung, wheat straw, straw, leaves, etc. Covering with cover film is better, but the cost is higher.

2. Coverage time. Coverage is generally carried out after freezing and freezing of the frozen water. Generally, the first covering is performed before the end of November to the beginning of December, and the thickness is covered to protect a portion of the green leaves from freezing. As the temperature dropped, the cover was thickened for the second time around mid-December.

3. Remove the cover. After the soil is thawed in early spring, when the temperature is higher than 0°C (usually from mid-to-late February to early March), the cover can be removed and the soil can be soiled in time to promote plant growth.

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