How does bladder cancer "kill" the tigers in the army?
Release date: 2015-03-18 Referring to bladder cancer, many friends may think that the disease is rare, and it is considered that the disease is not as malignant as malignant tumors such as lung cancer, stomach cancer and liver cancer. However, in fact, bladder cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the urinary system, and has been on the rise in recent years. Because bladder cancer lacks specific early screening indicators, it is generally diagnosed by gross hematuria in patients, so the early detection and early diagnosis of bladder cancer is low. For some important leaders, bladder cancer is often a deadly killer. In this military, Xu Caihou is also in the face of bladder cancer. What is the characteristic disease of bladder cancer? Why do leaders who are suffering from bladder cancer are often not as good as ordinary people? Now, let us approach bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is common in men, and the cause is not fully understood, but the two most common risk factors for smoking are smoking and long-term exposure to industrial chemicals. In particular, smoking has become the most sure cause of bladder cancer. About 30%-50% of bladder cancers are caused by smoking. Foreign data have confirmed that among various occupational groups, business people and administrative personnel are exposed. Tobacco has a greater chance of socializing and is the number one high incidence of bladder cancer. In addition, the predisposing factors of bladder cancer are closely related to daily life habits. It is generally believed that long-term use of traditional Chinese medicine containing aristolochic acid, long-term drinking of high hardness water, long-term drinking of soda, long-term consumption of coffee and rich in cyclamate Ten factors such as beverages, long-term hair dyeing, long-term exposure to decoration materials, large intake of high-fat foods, long-term drinking, excessive intake of legumes, and long-term intake of red meat are not excluded from the prevalence of bladder cancer. At present, the only factor that can effectively prevent bladder cancer is to drink more boiled water daily (the local water hardness cannot be high). Bladder cancer is different from gastric cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, etc. It is rare to see a "bulk"-like substance on the "film". In the current physical examination, the chest radiograph can screen the lung lesions. Screening for hepatobiliary, pancreatic, spleen and kidney lesions, tumor markers can suggest various digestive tract cancers, lung cancer, prostate cancer, etc., but lack specific physical examination and screening for bladder cancer. Therefore, many patients with bladder cancer are treated because of hematuria. The most common feature of hematuria in bladder cancer is intermittent occurrence, no pain, and hemodialysis throughout the urine. If a friend older than 30 years old, the three exist at the same time, it is necessary to be highly preventive of bladder cancer. The primary check is to accept the B-ultrasound of the bladder, to determine whether there is a tumor, even if the B-ultrasound is normal, it can not be taken lightly, if the hematuria is not relieved, if necessary, cystoscopy should be performed before final confirmation. After clearing bladder cancer, there is no doubt that the treatment must choose surgery. In general, the treatment of bladder cancer can be inserted into the operating urethoscope through the urethra. After the mirror enters, the current is cut by the tumor. The whole operation is painful. There is no wound scar on the patient. The tumor will be removed for pathological examination after surgery. Follow-up treatment. Having said that, it is necessary to explain why the leader has not got the satisfactory healing effect after the bladder cancer. Compared with other organs, the bladder has one of the biggest special features. It is the important liquid of the human body - the discharge station of urine. After the urine produces urine, it must pass through the ureter and enter the bladder before it can be transmitted to the urethra. And then out of the body. For patients with bladder cancer, as the disease progresses, it is basically necessary to develop the step of removing the bladder. Even some patients who find bladder cancer are in very advanced condition and will soon undergo a cystectomy operation. After the cystectomy, the passage of the ureter and bladder is cut off, and the urine can not smoothly flow into the urethra. Therefore, in most cases, the doctor will lift the ureter to the outside of the skin, allowing the urine to be diverted directly and out of the body. This kind of surgery is unacceptable to ordinary people for a while, but it is almost impossible for the national leaders. National leaders often have to participate in various official and foreign affairs activities. It is conceivable that if the bladder is removed, a urine bag is buckled on the stomach, and when the urine is full and then dumped, the degree of trouble and the taste that may be emitted will greatly affect The image of yourself and even the entire country. Therefore, national leaders and some friends who have high requirements for quality of life often refuse to undergo total cystectomy, which directly leads to the inability of the tumor to be removed and rapidly worsens the disease. In general, patients who refuse to undergo total resection of the bladder, even with the most optimal and optimal adjuvant treatment (including multiple resections, radiotherapy, chemotherapy), will generally occur locally in 2-3 years or Multiple body metastases, 5-year survival rate can only be maintained at 40%-50%, rarely can achieve 10 years of survival; and if full cystectomy is performed, the 5-year survival rate can be rapidly increased to 70%-80% Left and right, almost doubled, the 10-year survival rate can also exceed 50%. Source: World Wide Web
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), referred to as Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), is a fatal abnormal immune response that occurs in cats. It is caused by the mutation of the feline coronavirus carried by cats. As a high-incidence and fatal disease of pet cats, the current incidence of feline abdominal transmission is about 10%.
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