Eco-friendly technology planting lotus

Lotus is the most well-known among aquatic plants, not only because of its noble quality, its beautiful appearance, but also for many other reasons, such as purifying water quality, improving ecology, protecting homeland, etc. This is only in terms of environmental protection. For people, they can cultivate their sentiments and change their living environment. Many people who suffer from uncultivated lotus planting techniques can only look at the park. In fact, as long as there are good seeds and proper planting conditions, very beautiful lotus plants can be planted very quickly, and the effect can be seen in those years. The cultivation of the golden treasure microbial preparation planting lotus can not only make the lotus varieties become green and organic ornamental lotus, but also the lotus seeds and lotus flower produced can be sold to the outside, the price is higher than the ordinary lotus. Jinbao microbial agent is a pure biological product, without any residual, ecological and environmental protection, in line with national green ecological environmental protection requirements, with good social, economic and ecological benefits, Jinbao experts will introduce you to the lotus ecological fertilization technology:
First, the ecological lotus planting is dominated by organic fertilizers. Generally, 2500-3000 kg of fermented organic fertilizer is applied per acre, 25 kg of superphosphate, 1.5-2 kg of borax, and 6-8 kg of magnesium sulfate. ~3 kg.
The microbial microbial fungus contains functional bacteria such as nitrogen fixation and phosphate and potassium phosphate, which can not only increase the utilization of inorganic fertilizers, but also release the organic and inorganic nutrients at the bottom of the lotus pond to supply lotus nutrients for reproductive growth. . Because the unfamiliar fresh feces contain bacteria and eggs, it is easy to spread the parasitic virus to the plant roots, resulting in root diseases, resulting in low nutrient utilization rate. It is recommended that growers should best treat the fresh manure by fermenting fermentation of the golden babe microbial fermentation agent. This can not only remove the odor, bacteria and eggs in the material, but also release the organic nutrients in the material, improve the utilization of fertilizer, reduce the cost of fertilizer, and increase economic efficiency.
Second, the ecological lotus planting three times fertilizer
1, for the first time, when the lotus grows 1 to 2 leaves, it is also called the vertical leaf fertilizer. Apply 200mg/kg of organic fertilizer, 1~1.5kg of urea, and 2~3kg of microbial fertilizer to the golden babe.
2. The second time, when the lotus flowered and flowered, it was also called flower fertilizer or Pengfei. Normally 200-300 kg of organic fertilizer, 6-7 kg of urea, 6-8 kg of potassium sulfate, and 2-3 kg of microbial fertilizer are applied to each mu.
The third time, at the end of the lotus flower, is also called the tail fat. Apply 200-300 kg of organic fertilizer decomposed by the golden babe fertilizer fermentation agent per acre, 2 to 3 kg of urea, 4 to 5 kg of potassium sulfate, and 2 to 3 kg of microbial fertilizer.
The organic manure fermented with the golden bait fertilizer fermentation agent will not burn roots or burn seedlings when it is applied to the lotus, and the organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter and beneficial microorganisms, which can effectively promote the formation of soil aggregate structure and significantly improve the micro-amount of soil. Ecological environment enhances the micro-ecological environment of the soil, enhances the permeability of the soil, preserves the water and nutrients, and increases the potential for increasing soil productivity and income. The use of Golden Baby microbial fertilizer and starter to grow lotus plants has brought good economic benefits to growers. This technology has been tested by farmers and the results have been well received. Ecological planting technology is the future direction of development. If you want to learn more, please contact Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. National Free Call Hotline Recommended reading:
1, organic pepper planting points

2, organic fertilizer application stress

Fresh Sweet Corn Kernels

Corn has a more complete nutritional profile, making it ideal as a preferred food for scientific fat loss.

Generally speaking, sweet corn favors vegetables and sticky corn favors staple foods.

This classification is for the sweet corn (vegetable).

There are generally two ways to lose fat scientifically: exercise and controlled diet. Both are indispensable and must be combined for effective fat loss. Especially for people who are not particularly obese, we should consider the combination of exercise and diet control. In terms of diet control, take care that the daily intake of food is based on high quality protein and vegetables.

1. The time and intensity of exercise should be gradual. Exercise more than 1 hour a day is good.

2. exercise to control their mouths, eat less sugary food. If you are more gluttonous, you can use fruit sweet corn to satisfy your cravings. Fruit sweet corn is sweeter to eat, but it is low in sugar and satiety, which can help you control your diet.

Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd.'s Sweet Corn Kernels are vacuum-packed, healthy ready-to-eat foods with a small spoon at the bottom of each package that can be opened and eaten at any time.

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If you would like to work together, please send us a message on our website or contact us by email.

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Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,